generation [,dʒenə'reiʃən]
- generation的基本解释
一代, 产生, 发生, 一代人
- We belong to the same generation.
- 我们是同龄人。
- The antiques have been handed down to them from one generation to another.
- 这些古董世代相传传到了他们手里。
- Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry will spend $46 million on its Fifth Generation Computer Project this year.
- 日本国际贸易工业部今年将花四千六百万美元在第五代计算机计划上。
- When did the first generation computers become obsolete?
- 第一代计算机是什么时候淘汰的?
- The waterfall can be used for the generation of electricity.
- 这瀑布可用以发电。
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- My Generation
- New Generation
- Move Over (Generation Next theme)
- My Generation
- My Generation
- Your Generation
- 拼写相近单词
- generational
- generationism
- generations
- generation所属的单词分类
Energy / 能量
wind turbine · wind farm · wave power · tidal power · power lines · magnetic energy · jet fuel · internal combustion engine · greenhouse gas · green energy
- 更多 网络例句 与generation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Trichogramma showed high control efficacy on cotton bollworm eggs after three times of release both in the second and in the third generation bollworm periods. The parasitism on the second and third generation bollworm eggs were 66.0%-70.7% and 76.0%-81.2%, respectively, which were significantly higher than that in the control (second generation: 7.0%-12.3%, third generation: 5.2%-7.4%). And the injury rate of cotton buds and bolls in the second and third generation bollworm were 2.2% and 3.1%, respectively, which were significantly lower than that in the control (second generation:8.5%, third generation: 20.9%). In the second generation bollworm period, number of bollworm eggs or larvae in the Trichogramma released cotton field did not differ to that in the chemically controlled field. But in the third generation, there were significantly less bollworm eggs and larvae in the Trichogramma released cotton field. There were more predators in the Trichogramma released cotton field. These results indicated that cotton boll worm in the transgenic insect-resistant cotton field can he effectively controlled by mass-releasing of T.
In low age larva is filled period the effect of prevention and cure to garlic root maggot undertakes different drug experiment and be investigated, the result makes clear: 27 years garlic root maggot produces 3 generation in Jiangsu, generation of live through the winter is imaginal in March the last ten-day of a month fills hair; the middle ten days of a month on April fills generation larva hair, the middle ten days of a month saw in May aurelian, the last ten-day of a month was; of fastigium of generation imago ascend to heaven and become immortal in May the 2nd generation is larval the first ten days of a month was filled to the middle ten days of a month in June hair, the last ten-day of a month came in June in September the last ten-day of a month with aurelian more summer, 2 generation are imaginal at; of the ascend to heaven and become immortal at the beginning of October coming by September the 3rd acting larval fastigium is on October the middle ten days of a month, the first ten days of a month is larval in November in succession pupate live through the winter, immediately following in time year of spring (the middle ten days of a month on April) begin emergence.
The author put forward the following opinions: civilian sport refers to non-official sports activities de-veloped among the masses; it is not provided with the characteristic of being passed on and continued generation by generation, can occur in a certain period, and disappear in a certain period; folk sport refers to sports activities closely related to civilian customs, mainly existing in civilian celebrative activities, religious activities and ritual ac-tivities; it is a form of sports culture passed on and continued generation by generation, provided with the character-istics of collectivity, inheritability and mode; national sport is divided into general type and special type; general na-tional sport refers to a special culture that once historically reflected and carried common psychological capacity and culture of a nation and is enjoyed by that nation; Chinese national sport, ancient Grecian sport and ancient Egyptian sport are specific forms of presentation of national sport; special national sport refers to a sports cultural form that is exclusively owned by a nation in modern time, reflects and carries common psychological capacity and culture of that nation, and is created and enjoyed by that nation; traditional sport refers to a stable sports culture that is historically inherited and gradually formed by a nation in practical activities in a long history, embodied in all as-pects of sports cultural activities and passed on generation by generation.
摘 要:民间体育是指非官方的在民众中开展的体育活动,它不具有世代相传和延续的特点,可以在某一时期出现,又可能在某一时期消失;民俗体育是指那些与民间风俗习惯关系密切,主要存在于民间节庆活动、宗教活动、祭祀活动中,是一种世代传承和延续的体育文化形态,具有集体性、传承性和模式性特点;民族体育有广义和狭义之分,广义民族体育指曾在历史上反映和承载着一个民族共同心理素质、共同文化,为该民族享用的一种特殊文化,中华民族体育、古希腊体育、古埃及体育都是民族体育的具体表现形式,狭义民族体育是指近现代一个民族所独有的,反映并承载该民族共同心理素质、共同文化并为该民族所创造和享用的一种体育文化形态;传统体育是指由历史沿袭下来,是民族在漫长的历史实践活动中积累而成的稳定的体育文化,体现在健身、养生、娱乐思维方式、行为方式等体育文化活动的各个方面,并通过社会心理结构及其它物化媒介(如棋盘、武术器械、文献典籍等)得以世代相传。
- 更多网络解释 与generation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
曼海姆把具体的社会群比作社会岩层,"代"(Generation)则是社会岩层之一. 如果从文化社会学的立场来考察"代"这种社会岩层,可以更为恰切地诊断当前潜隐着的文化趋向的重要特性、话语取向及其存在的问题. 信仰是生存结构中的基本要素之一,
OECD认为,在对合伙企业的征税中,要区分对合伙企业"产生"(generation)的利润征税与对合伙企业利润"分配"(distribution)的征税. 各国对合伙企业的征税可分为两类:一是将合伙企业视为独立的纳税实体,首先对合伙企业的营业利润征税,
重演是他的学说的根据之一,进步性发展的整个概念奠基于与"发生"(generation)相类似的,即和个体发生(ontogeny)相似的基础之上. 和很多业余爱好者相仿,钱伯斯非常容易上当受骗. 他还用各式各样的民间传说和神话来支持他对自然发生的坚信不疑.
"后代"有"家谱"和"世代"(generation)的意思. "与上帝同行"(walking with God),"同行"(walking)的意思是相信的生. 我们的生犹如旅行,每天为了某个目标生,有两种形式:一种是走向灭亡地生;另一种是正视上帝盼望永生地生. 还需要其他复杂的传教吗?
generation gap:代沟
摇滚乐,和一九四六年出生的第一批战后婴儿,他们于一九五九年刚好满十三岁,"三九少年"的第一年. "三九少年"一词从此在美国文化上刻上了它的大名. 与此同时,"代沟"(generation gap)一词也因而诞生.
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