英语人>词典>英汉 : garage的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

garage [gə'rɑ:ʒ; 'gærɑ:ʒ]

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车库, 汽车修理厂, 机库

  • He worked in a garage as a mechanic.
  • 他在汽车修理厂当技工。


n. carport
Building / 建筑 [198]

toll house  ·  state house  ·  parking garage  ·  hot house  ·  haunted house  ·  ferry terminal  ·  beach house  ·  airport terminal  ·  quonset hut  ·  tipi

Driver / 驾驶 [219]

yellow light  ·  van pool  ·  u-turn  ·  truck stop  ·  switchbacks  ·  speed bump  ·  S-curve  ·  road trip  ·  road rage  ·  Road Closed

Housing & Dwelling / 房屋与居住 [290]

yaodong  ·  tudor  ·  threshhold  ·  terraced house  ·  storage shed  ·  row house  ·  light switch  ·  garage door opener  ·  garage door  ·  fuse box

Room / 房间 [123]

ladies' room  ·  tack room  ·  sick room  ·  screen porch  ·  Panic Room  ·  mud room  ·  hospital room  ·  cold room  ·  clean room  ·  prison cell

Yard / 庭院 [71]

vegetable garden  ·  plant pot  ·  herb garden  ·  garden path  ·  front stoop  ·  basketball hoop  ·  back porch  ·  welcome mat  ·  front porch  ·  porch swing

更多 网络例句 与garage相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Think about when the car is parked inside your garage attached to your house; and the remote starter is interfered by other radio frequency and accidently turned on.(Your naughty kid may do this. Or, some crooks try to open your garage door by emitting random radio signals; always lock the man door). The car will keep pumping carbon monoxide gas into the garage, and the poisonous gas will seep through any cracks or holes to get into the house. Your whole family may get kill because of this (sleeping through the night and never get up).


People interested in the above article Are Garage Floor Coverings Really That Good For The Floor In Your Garage?


While house-to-house variability in AERs, interzonal flows, and VOC concentrations can be signifi- cant, an important finding is that tighter houses tend to have both higher garage-to-house flows and higher VOC levels due to emissions in the house and garage.


更多网络解释 与garage相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有趣的是盖伊的公司的名称,它叫作"车库"(Garage). 车库是硅谷创业文化的一个常见词,最著名的车库之一是惠普(HP)的两个创始人在1939年每月花45美元租用的车库. 现在最热门的互联网公司Google最近也宣布用巨资购买最初创业时租用的车库.


汽车库建筑设计规范指出汽车库(Garage)就是停放和储存汽车的建筑物,并规定各种车库. 2.2M是分界线,独用车库可以超过2.2M,可以单独核发产权,2.2M以下,有的小区没有把地下室计算为建筑面积;有的小区已经把地下室作为公摊面积了,


在"License Number" 输入11 个位的 number code ,即"免许证番号",输入后可以看到车卡资料(Profile),TA 时间,车房(Garage),走屋(Event)车房(Garage) 内可以看到车卡内所有车辆的资料,包括车身颜色,改装Step,还要每一细项都列出,


铁丝网、沙包、医院、雷达站、总部、修车厂(garage)的作用,相信玩家们从名称上就可以明白其用途,这里笔者就不再一一解释,而重要的是以下的设施: 一、训练营(trainingcamp),它可提升士兵的等级,这将相应提高其攻防能力和视野广度;

Garage Punk:车库朋克 )

后来呢,九十年代吧,车库朋克(Garage Punk)则通过音乐中的声音来表示的:下流的,污秽的,简单的,愤怒的威胁的和平白显露的丑恶. 现在当红的sum41就这样,前些年的花儿乐队也有这个感觉,但是没有朋克行为. . .

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