英语人>词典>英汉 : gang up on的中文,翻译,解释,例句
gang up on的中文,翻译,解释,例句

gang up on

gang up on的基本解释

联合对付, 合伙对付, 联合起来欺侮

更多网络例句与gang up on相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of a fledgling criminal gang up on it to disband.


That way, you can all gang up on the weaker ones, like Winston here.


And then there is the worry that all these systems will one day gang up on their creators, as in "The Matrix".


They all gang up on me.


Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool.


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更多网络解释与gang up on相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gang up on:联合反对

gang up against 联合攻击 | gang up on 联合反对 | gang up with 伙同

gang up on:联合起来对付

get up the courage to do 鼓起勇气做. . . | gang up on 联合起来对付 | hook up 用钩子勾住,骗某人上勾

gang up on:[美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合

gang up [美口]聚集 集合 联合起来 | gang up on [美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合 | gang up against [美口]联合对付(某人或某国);聚集, 会合

gang up on sb:对抗

omnipotent :全能的 | gang up on sb : 对抗SB | DUMP SB : 甩了SB

gang up on sb:结伙对付某人

10. 榨干血汗 bleed one white | 11. 结伙对付某人 gang up on sb. | 12. 无言以对 not find one's tongue

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