英语人>词典>英汉 : fuel rod的中文,翻译,解释,例句
fuel rod的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fuel rod

fuel rod的基本解释

[电] 燃料棒

更多网络例句与fuel rod相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The technology of power adjusting is one of the key technologies of fuel rod ramp test.


Today we visited the reactor and saw fuel rod imitators being loaded in the active zone, he added.


If we don't find something that's precisely 0.16 of an inch to 0.76 of an inch to secure this fuel rod...


If we don't find something that's precisely 0.16 of an inch to 0.76 of an inch to secure this fuel rod... This reactor goes meltdown!


These actuators are easy to install by mounting near the fuel system and direct connecting to the fuel control rod or lever.


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更多网络解释与fuel rod相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fuel rod:燃料棒

一座核电厂的主要结构通常包括了外面的建筑围阻体(containment building)、里面的反应炉(reactor)、燃料棒(fuel rod)、冷却剂(coolant),藉由所产生的蒸汽推动涡轮(turbine)来转动发电机(generator).

fuel rod:条形燃料

fuel fabrication 燃料组合 | fuel rod 条形燃料 | fuel-air explosive 云炸弹;燃烧空气炸弹

fuel rod:燃料元件棒

fuel reprocessing 燃料再生 | fuel rod 燃料元件棒 | fugacity 挥发性

fuel rod:(反应堆)燃料棒

fission(核)裂变 | fuel rod(反应堆)燃料棒 | fusion(核)聚变

hollow fuel rod:中空燃料棒

hollow fiber module 中空纤维组件 | hollow fuel rod 中空燃料棒 | hollow helical-wrap drive cable 空心螺旋型控制电缆

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