英语人>词典>英汉 : front dive的中文,翻译,解释,例句
front dive的中文,翻译,解释,例句

front dive

front dive的基本解释


更多网络例句与front dive相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Communicated by him, the platoon leader also talked about how frightened they were when they joined the fighting at the beginning; how their antiaircraft machine guns were dive-bombed by the American attackers, cutting their gun tubes into halves as if done by a knife; how a tall soldier was stupefied in the battlefield put a shot box over his head with shivering, and insisted on returning home anyway; how a new military medical university female graduate cried and refused to go to the front when boarding the train and was sent under escort back to her original unit; how the Chinese train drivers went through all kinds of hardships and difficulties, and definitely died after ten times of going to the front at most; how the recruits of 17 or 18 were frightened to cry like a child by the shellfire; how they were reorganized in Kunming, Yunnan Province; how they marched to the front in the Vietnamese military uniforms without military ranks.


At driving bit mounted on the steering wheel airbag middle position, co-pilot-bit airbag installed in front of the platform itself, the accident happened at the moment can effectively protect the driver and co-occupant spaces of the head and chest, because facing fierce collision will happen cause the vehicle in front of large deformation, and the vehicle occupant as the inertia of this heavy dive forward, causing the car with each other percussive elements, while driving the location of the car airbag can effectively to prevent the steering wheel when the collision happened at the top of the chest to the motorists to avoid the fatal injuries.


For example, after getting burned in Game 3 by Howard's dive cuts in the wake of high S/Rs, the Lakers adjusted their defensive rotations and rendered the same play virtually useless thereafter. Also, after Howard gained excellent position by sprinting to the front of the rim as Orlando pushed the ball, the Lakers bigs adjusted by simply side-stepping Howard and fronting him.


更多网络解释与front dive相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Figure eight:八字形

向前跳水 forward dive; front dive | 八字形 figure eight | 三字形 figure three