英语人>词典>英汉 : fricatives的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


更多网络例句与fricatives相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the 8 patients,2 with Chinese pharyngeal fricatives,2 with congenital velopharyngeal insufficiency,2 with Chinese palatalized misarticulation,and 2 with normal articulation.


Studies of English fricatives and affricates have shown that their voicing is severely influenced by the voicing of the following sound.


Eric Zee(Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics , City university of Hongkong, China):The Articulatory Characteristics of the Stops, Fricatives and Affricates in Meixian

徐云扬(香港城市大学中文、翻译与语言学系,中国香港):' Hakka Chinese'梅江客家话语音系统及语音性质的研究

Listen and repeat the sentences paying special attention to the pronunciation of stops/fricatives/front vowels.


This statement summarizes the fact that /l/is syllabic not only after stops and fricatives,but also after nasals .the only problem with this rule is what happens after /r/.

这项声明总结了一个事实,即/升/不仅是音节后站及fricatives ,而且后鼻音。唯一的问题是这一规则后会发生什么/俄/。

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更多网络解释与fricatives相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be familiar with the sounds and spelling of central vowels, diphthongs and fricatives:熟悉中元音、双元音和磨擦音的发音和拼写

Distinguish different words wit... | Be familiar with the sounds and spelling of central vowels, diphthongs and fricatives 熟悉中元音、双元音和磨擦音的发音和拼写 | Recognize the sounds and spelling of c...


3具有[+son (sonorant)]特徵的音,指发音时口腔的调节不妨碍声带自然带音(spontaneous voicing)的音,如母音、鼻音(nasals)、流音(liquids)等;具有[ son]特徵的音,指发音时口腔的调节妨碍声带自然带音的音,即「阻音」(obstruents),如塞音(stops)、擦音(fricatives)、塞擦音(affr


fricative /擦音/由摩擦产生的/摩擦音的/摩擦音/ | fricatives /膜擦声/ | friction /摩擦/医疗摩擦/不和/倾轧/磨擦/