英语人>词典>英汉 : four-fold的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与four-fold相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sales in our company have increased up to four-fold in the last five years.

例10 过去五年中,我企业的销售额已增长至四倍。

Sales in our company have increased up to four-fold in the last five years.

例10 过去五年中,我公司的营业额已增长至四倍。

Sales in our company have increased up to four-fold in the last five years.

The 例 10 过去五年中,我公司的销售额已增长至四倍。

Sales in our company have increased up to four-fold in the last five years.

例10 过去五年中,我公司的销售额已增长至四倍。本文来好考试

That translates into a four-fold increase in funding over the next three years.


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更多网络解释与four-fold相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

four-fold:四倍的 四重的

anti-viral - 抗病毒的 | four-fold- 四倍的 四重的 | evolve-演变 演化

four-fold rule:四折木尺

Four-Flower jelly 四花软糖 | four-fold rule 四折木尺 | four-fold wooden rule 四折尺

four-fold purchase:四轮滑车

four-fluked anchor 四爪锚 | four-fold purchase 四轮滑车 | four-headed capstan 四卷筒绞盘

four-fold coupling:四重联轴节

Fottinger coupling 弗廷格联结器 | four-fold coupling 四重联轴节 | frangible coupling 易分离耦合; 易卸接头; 截断连接

four-fold axis:四重轴

four-flute taper-shank core drill 四槽锥柄心孔钻床 | four-fold axis 四重轴 | four-fold coupling 四重联轴节

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