英语人>词典>英汉 : foster care的中文,翻译,解释,例句
foster care的中文,翻译,解释,例句

foster care

foster care的基本解释


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She's done really great in foster care, and if at all possible, we'd love for her not to come back to the shelter, and be adopted from her foster home.


OVER the past few years, a growing number of America's parentless children have found homes. In 2008 there were 463,000 children in foster care, a system where the government places orphans and children with parents who are abusive or unable to take care of them in the care of guardians. That is 11% down since 2002, and great news.


In 1997, the city of Shanghai started China's first official foster-care program after psychological studies showed kids in foster-care were better off than those in orphanages.


更多网络解释与foster care相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

foster care:寄养

.寄养(Foster care) 和收养援助 ..教育援助(如就读公立学校),包括在>(Head Start Act )下的福利和对小学、中学或更高教育的援助. .实物援助,以社区为基础的服务或援助计划(如粥粮、危机谘询(crisis counseling)和援助、短期住房).

foster care:抚养

fossilized form 僵化形式 | foster care 抚养 | foster children 寄养儿童

foster care:看护

fossula 小窝 | foster care 看护 | foster child 养子