forgotten [fə'gɔtn]
- forgotten的基本解释
[变形] forget的过去分词
- 相似词
- forgotten的同义词
- v. forget
- 相关歌词
- Forgiven Not Forgotten
- You've Forgotten
- Search And Destroy
- Have You Forgotten?
- Forgotten
- Lost And Forgotten
- 拼写相近单词
- forgottenness
- 更多 网络例句 与forgotten相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Perhaps forgotten, we have to spend time, just like falling in love, we also used the time, had all become a memory of everything, perhaps, would like to live better now, and only once forgotten unreserved own memory, that is forgotten, and there were a few people have truly forgotten.
Thou hast not forgotten, I suppose, that those who assume arrogant airs in bestowing their praise or blame on others, are such as they are at bed and at board, and thou hast not forgotten what they do, and what they avoid and what they pursue, and how they steal and how they rob, not with hands and feet, but with their most valuable part, by means of which there is produced, when a man chooses, fidelity, modesty, truth, law, a good daemon?
They translated into King James English from both the Arabic version and the Ethiopic version which was then published in The Forgotten Books of Eden in 1927 by The World Publishing Company. In 1995, the text was extracted from a copy of The Forgotten Books of Eden and converted to electronic form by Dennis Hawkins.
他们将这两种语言的书,翻译成詹姆士王的英语版本,1927年世界出版公司将其内容在《伊甸园的失落之书》中出版。1995年, Dennis Hawkins 将《伊甸园的失落之书》中的原文选出来编为电子版。
- 更多网络解释 与forgotten相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
本雅明看到,他所处的时代正遭受启蒙理性与技术控制的威胁,历史的声音或者被阻隔(stifled),或者被遗忘(forgotten),或者被隐匿(concealed). 于是,"拯救"便从"巴罗克寓言"(第一阶段),"超现实主义"(第二阶段),
随着时间的流逝,记忆将会愈发模糊. 蛇族的存在逐渐被人淡忘,终于连他们存在的事实人类也忘的一干二净. 今天的我们对于这些故事全当一种传说或者神话来理解,而过去的蛇族现在也改称为遗忘(Forgotten)种族.
A 忘记了(forgotten)先前被偷走的钱.54. C 在人生旅程中,来自陌生人的帮助能减轻(lighten)负担,改善心情55. B 假如我们都能为别人做一点善事,那么人生的旅程(journey)就会美好得多. 37. B. 了解一座城市的方式很多,其中之一就是环城徒步旅行,
The Forgotten:灵异拼图
和阿三的几部作品相比,其实>(The Forgotten)已经是在尽力求新了. 所谓"新"是指它不止是披了一层"皮",而是连续披了两层"皮",力求在两层皮之间的转换间,给观众以新的冲击. 然而,限于时代因素,老马虽然博览群书,
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