英语人>词典>英汉 : flora的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

flora ['flɔ:rə]



Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

更多 网络例句 与flora相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It indicated evidently tropical floristic remnant and affinity in the Alsophila spinulosa community. Comparing with the fossil flora from late Cretaceous and Tertiary (i.e. Northeast China flora, Fushun flora in Liaoning, Jinggu flora in Yunnan and Shanwang in Shandong) in China, pteridophyte flora of the Reserve was quite similar to that of late Cretaceous. Nevertheless, its spermatophyte flora was little similar to that of Tertiary, where angiosperm were booming in that period.


Composition of both spermatophyte and pteridophyte flora of a relict Alsophila spinulosa community in Wutongqiao Nature Reserve of Leshan region was discussed. It shows the proportion of Tropic and Cathaysia elements in both spermatophyte flora and pteridophyte flora was almost 2/3 of the total at the genus level, and even more at the family level. There was a distinct ancient endemism phenomenon in spermatophyte flora, owning to being 8 relict and remnant endemism genera in the total of 9. Furthermore, the proportion of Tropic and Cathaysia elements both at family and genus level in the pteridophyte flora were much greater.


However, the taxa of strictly tropical distribution are still underrepresented in the flora of southeastern Yunnan compared to Indo-Malaysian flora, and the families of mainly subtropical to temperate distribution, such as Magnoliaceae, Theaceae, Cornaceae, Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Aquifoliaceae and Caprifoliaceae, are well represented in the flora. Some characteristic families of temperate East Asia, such as Diapensiaceae, Dipentodontaceae, Eupteleaceae, Grossulariaceae and Toricelliaceae are also present in the flora of southeastern Yunnan.


更多网络解释 与flora相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


植物区系(flora)某一特定地区内生长的植物种类的总称. 如中国秦岭山脉生长的全部植物的科、属、种即是秦岭山脉的植物区系. 它们是植物界在一定自然环境中长期发展演化的结果. 植物区系包括自然植物区系和栽培植物区系,




网易娱乐2月1日讯(图文/CFP) 陈慧珊(Flora)自去年诞下女儿Mira后,专心做全职主妇,只是偶尔接拍广告和出席活动,暂时没有复出拍剧的消息. 最近有传身兼经理人的丈夫钟家鸿,替陈慧珊同时接拍两个同类型的美容广告,而遭诉讼索偿百多万,


光书 弗罗拉(Flora)的魔道小屋密室里,某个宝箱. 圣文 弗罗拉(Flora)的神秘组织基地,有个女生会卖. 诅咒本 胡尔达(Hulda)商店有卖. 银笔 艾林(Eileen)沙漠绿洲的宝箱,艾林(Eileen)商店也有卖. 骨笔 弗罗拉(Flora)的魔道里面,

Flora Chan:陈慧珊

直到VIP就要到的时候, 才知道原来是陈慧珊(Flora Chan)哦. 我倒还好, 某同仁小R比较激动, 也难怪, 人家是她的fans嘛. 她给我第一眼的感觉是--朴素, 完全没有明星的架子, 进来的时候直到我领她们坐下一直抱着女儿, 看上去就是一个典型的妈妈.

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