英语人>词典>英汉 : floor dog的中文,翻译,解释,例句
floor dog的中文,翻译,解释,例句

floor dog

floor dog的基本解释


更多网络例句与floor dog相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Girl and dog both flop on the hospital floor. Alexia scratches Jane's belly two-handed and gives a big smile.

女孩和小狗双双躺在医院的地板上,Alexia 用双手抓挠着小狗Jane的腹部,露出灿烂的微笑。

An Iraqi journalist was wrestled to the floor by security guards after he called Mr Bush "a dog" and threw his footwear, just missing the president.


Indeed, he would have carpeted and papered a small spare room for a parlour; but his wife expressed such pleasure at the white floor and huge glowing fireplace, at the pewter dishes and delf case, and dog kennel, and the wide space there was to move about in where they usually sat, that he thought it unnecessary to her comfort, and so dropped the intention.


更多网络解释与floor dog相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lick: take up with the tongue:(动)舔

The dog was angry and growled at the stranger.那狗发怒向陌生人咆哮. | 5.lick: take up with the tongue (动)舔 | The cat licked up the drops of milk from the floor.猫舔地板上的几滴牛奶.

floor dresser:地板装修器

floor dog 紧板铁 | floor dresser 地板装修器 | floor duct 地板下管道

Well a selfrespecting pilot that would land on a valley floor:有私心的飞行员都会选择在山谷降落

I know just the Mad Dog for the... | Well a selfrespecting pilot that would land on a valley floor,|有私心的飞行员都会选择在山谷降落. | But I don't have any self respect, so I put you down half of the ...