英语人>词典>英汉 : floor beam的中文,翻译,解释,例句
floor beam的中文,翻译,解释,例句

floor beam

floor beam的基本解释


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The aftermost transverse structural member in a steel ship, including the floor, frame, and beam assembly at the sternpost.


At last, this paper discusses the design for the mega beam floor.


In this paper, the process of a test on a specimen of long span floor beams system and the test methods are introduced to research the process of moment redistribution between the spandrel beam and floor beam.

通过介绍一榀 8m× 6m大跨度次梁楼盖试验构件的有关试验方法及试验情况,探讨大跨度次梁楼盖中边梁与楼面梁之间弯扭分配的变化过程,并将试验实测结果与弹性理论分析值进行比较,给出此类结构中有关构件的参考设计方法。

Though China led halfway through the meet, the teams finished up on balance beam and floor exercise, the Americans' best two events.


Cheng had begun to perfect her vault, one of the most difficult and dangerous gymnastic moves. Because she is considered a terrific tumbler, her other strengths are the balance beam and the floor exercise, both of which require precise jumps and flips.


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更多网络解释与floor beam相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

floor beam:楼板梁

floor area 建筑楼层面积 | floor beam 楼板梁 | floor board 地板

floor beam:横梁

同Desert gum Flooded gum | 横梁 Floor beam | 地板拦栅 Floor joist

floor beam:底梁

"底板,地面,地板","floor" | "底梁","floor beam" | "地板块","floor block"

floor beam:地板梁

zero reference point 零参考点 | floor beam 地板梁 | keel beam 龙骨梁,底部大梁

jacking floor beam:起重横梁

端横梁 end floor beam | 起重横梁 jacking floor beam | 梁端缓冲梁 auxiliary girder for controlling angle change

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