floor [flɔ:]
- floor的基本解释
地板, 基底, 楼层, 底部, 底价
- The government has fixed a wage floor.
- 政府已规定了工资的底限。
- I live on the third floor.
- 我住在三楼。
- He asked the chairman for the floor.
- 他要求主席允许他发言。
铺地板, 打倒
- The carpenter will floor this room with oak.
- 木匠将用橡木铺设这个房间的地板。
- The rooms in the hotel are all floored with boards.
- 这个旅馆的所有房间都是用木板铺地的。
- 相似词
- floor的反义词
- n. ceiling
- 与floor相关的词组
- take the floor:发言
- 与floor相关的情景对话
- 衣食住行 / Prescription-(开处方)
Well, Mr. Smith. That’s a nasty infection you have.
Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor?
I’m going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning.
OK. Thank you. Where should I buy them?
The phamp3acy will give you a discount since you came to the clinic.
Great. What floor is the phamp3acy on?
The fourth. I’ll send the prescription down there, so you can just pick it up on your way out.
Thank you.
- floor所属的单词分类
Housing & Dwelling / 房屋与居住
yaodong · tudor · threshhold · terraced house · storage shed · row house · light switch · garage door opener · garage door · fuse box
- 更多 网络例句 与floor相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Use extensively at present be like next breed:(1) public go up with athletic car boat floor of ornamental flexibility balata ;(2) be able to bear or endure the balata floor that soda acid and chemical corrode;(3) floor of oil resistant balata ;(4) electric balata floor;(5) fight electrostatic balata floor;(6) floor of high report insulation;(7) high temperature resistant balata floor;(8) fight floor of ultralow temperature balata ;(9) floor of balata of Gao Naihou sex;(10) floor of tall resilience balata is waited a moment.
Wooden floor installation checks and accept a standard: Material should accord with resident requirement and active product standard; The floor is installed should firm, breathed noise, without become loose; Wooden floor surface should plane burnishs, wait for a phenomenon without broken bits of dig mark, dig and burr, the floor of besmear varnish its design should clear; Juncture of floor spelling a flower is answered neat, aperture width is consistent, the surface is clean, without excessive glue phenomenon; Skirting board and floor connection are close; The edge on skirting board is flat, differ high endlong should not be more than ± 3 millimeter and metope are clingy, without aperture.
Matsuyama is located in the summit of the high ten-storey main building, where the first floor of the hotel lobby, Tang Yuan Restaurant dragon and phoenix hall, the situation Garden restaurant and multi-functional business center; the second floor of the Tang Yuan Restaurant deluxe VIP rooms and tea room; on the third floor is the Qin House nightclub; the fourth floor is the Palace sauna; 5 to the ninth floor is the various types of deluxe rooms; 10 floor hotel administrative center.
- 更多网络解释 与floor相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
欧洲的国家转移到亚太地区, 也因此设立青岛办事处希望能拓展中国市场, 并与中国当地的供货商结合. 敝司的产品分为三大项: 锯材(sawntimber), 板材(panel)与木浆(woodpulp), 其小项为: 地板(floor), 门楣(moulding), 托盘(pallet),...
即 Replacement Cost,同时又为"市价" 规定了上限和下限.其中,上限(即 Ceiling)是指可变现净值,下限(Floor)是指可变现净值减去 正常的利润)(3)成本与市价孰低规则的含义成本与市价孰低规则的含义是:当存货的成本低 于市价时,
关门机掣(1) 就本条而言,"关门机掣"(a door closing device) 包括门掣、弹簧掣及地(4) 就第(2) 款而言,"楼层"(floor) 包括设计供残疾人士通往的楼层的任何途的阁楼; (iii) 主要用作保安或安全管理的高架平台,途的阁楼;
但楼梯、楼梯间、升降机等候处、用作设置水厕设备、尿厕、盥洗盆的空间,以及任何升降机、空调系统或相类设施的机械所占用的空间除外; (1962年A97号政府公告)"楼面"(floor) 指构成任何楼层基层的构筑物,
floor lamp:落地灯
深圳市...压克力灯饰-acrylic lights YLD-505落地灯(Floor Lamp) 我司专业生产各种透明及彩色压克力、水晶、有机玻璃家具. 设计新颖,时尚潮流,欢迎选购,也可来样来图加工. 深...压克力灯饰-acrylic lights YLD-508台灯(Desk Lamp) 我司专业生产各种透明及彩色压克力、水晶、有机玻璃家具.
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