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fire clay brick的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fire clay brick

fire clay brick的基本解释

[化] 火泥砖, 耐火砖

更多网络例句与fire clay brick相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Long-term with the Luoyang Refractory Material Research Institute, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Anshan University of Science and Technology, such as metallurgy research institutions to collaborate, has developed the metallurgy, coking industry in various grades×, silica brick, clay brick, magnesia brick, magnesia-chrome brick, MgO-C Bricks aluminum, chromium corundum brick, insulation brick light, etc.; cement industry with anti-spalling×, alkali brick, silicon brick Mo, direct combination of magnesia-chrome brick, periclase-spinel brick, phosphorus acid brick, high-phosphate soft Dutch bricks, special bricks, such as phosphate; generating boiler industry with a variety of brands wear-resistant brick, corundum brick, mullite brick, such as stereotyped products and wear resistant castable, corundum castable, high-strength low cement castable, impermeable material, gravity feed can be plastic, various grades, such as fire-resistant mud Unshaped Materials, in which silica brick and light insulation brick production line for the national output of a single one of the largest production line.


Fire clay and kaolin were the predominate clays used in firebrick and grogs; bentonite, in foundry sand; common clay, in refractory mortar and cement; and kaolin, in high aluminum brick.


Of which: 100,000 tons of quality silica brick, acid refractory bricks, clay brick, Gao Lvzhuan, such as 20,000 tons, all kinds of unshaped refractories, fire-resistant materials 20,000 tons.


更多网络解释与fire clay brick相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fire clay brick:粘土质耐火砖

闸喉作用 choking | 粘土质耐火砖 fire clay brick | 展性,可锻性 malleability

fire clay brick:耐火砖

fire clay 耐火泥 | fire clay brick 耐火砖 | fire clay lining 耐火泥炉衬

fire clay brick:火砖

Fire-check keys ==> 高温锥 | fire-clay brick ==> 火砖 | fire-clay crucible ==> 耐火坩埚