英语人>词典>英汉 : find one's tongue的中文,翻译,解释,例句
find one's tongue的中文,翻译,解释,例句

find one's tongue

find one's tongue的基本解释

(吓得说不出话以后)能开口了, 能开口讲话

更多网络解释与find one's tongue相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

find one'S tongue:终于能开口讲话,终于说得出话来

filI somebody in on the details给某人提供详细情况 | find one'S tongue终于能开口讲话,终于说得出话来 | fiat broke破产,一文不名

find one'S tongue:能开口了

find one's own level 找到相称的位置 | find one's tongue 能开口了 | find one's voice 能说话了

find one'S tongue:恢复说话的能力

bite the tongue 默不作声 | find one's tongue 恢复说话的能力 | forked tongue [美]欺人之谈; 假话, 谎话

find one'S tongue:开口说话了

find one's level 找到合适的位置; 获得与自己才干相当的地位 | find one's tongue 开口说话了 | find oneself 发觉自己的处境; 自我感觉

not find one's tongue:无言以对

11. 结伙对付某人 gang up on somebody | 12. 无言以对 not find one's tongue | 13. 把人逼疯send somebody the loony bin