英语人>词典>英汉 : fierce and cruel的中文,翻译,解释,例句
fierce and cruel的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fierce and cruel

fierce and cruel的基本解释

凶残, 凶残的, 狂暴残虐

更多网络例句与fierce and cruel相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Last year, I made a decision to study English earnestly when I was inventorying my heart, then, I will go to talk bigger with the foreigner living in Kattegat, telling them that my home have a sheep with eight legs , then fuddling them. Or, I study Japanese cannily ,then, I shall go to Japan ,giving lessons to those Japanese in the underground of the Kobe , making a address about the fierce and cruel butcher of the Nanjing until them weep to accompany me home .


But have a year, a very big boa appeared inside this harmonious village, and very fierce and cruel, often swallow fowl and have a person, the even fowls and dogs are not left in peace that this village makes, person palpitate is confused also.


I am not mournful for passed away people and in life people, I am just feeling dysphoria due to we perhaps have not inheritor in future, because there is still two kind of powers to make the mankind perdition, one is the nature disaster,the other is destroy ourself ( the war, it is a fierce cruel and spoliatory behavior of mankind due to people's self-concern and arrogance or resource shortage) But present, we are too indulging in our becility and wisdom, we are too infatuated with our ability of rein and subjection, and we neglect a really friend or enemy, it is our brain.
