英语人>词典>英汉 : fervescence的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[医] 发热, 体温升高

更多网络例句与fervescence相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

RESULTS: One patient of the blank control group was dropped out, because of being out of touch, and two patients of the rehabilitation exercise group drooped out, because of catarrhal rhinitis and fervescence.


Results:the time of vim convalescence, draining, antibiotics use, fervescence, intention, hospitalization were all shorter in the presacral space clysis group than that in the tradional treatment group.the times of dressing wound and the number of secondary suture and c healing were all smaller in the presacral space clysis group than that in the tradional treatment group.and the infection rate of the former was 0.136 times of the latter.


The results show that Siwei jianghuang capsule has obvious effects of diuresis and analgesia and it can inhibit inflammation and fervescence caused by inflammation.


After the rats were given LPS through peritoneal injection,they presented some appearance .For example, fervescence, accelerated breathing, depressed, few actions and so on.


In the other group vaccinated with commercial PRV gE~-,two pigs displayed obvious clinical symptoms(fervescence,diarrhea,disgorging,incoordination etc) on day 5 following challenge,and died on day 10 after challenge.


更多网络解释与fervescence相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


fertilized ovum 受精卵 | fervescence 发热 | fester 脓疮


受精素 fertilizine | 热上升期(体温) fervescence | 高狐草 Festuca arundinacea

stage of fervescence:发热期

stage of fattening 肥育期 | stage of fervescence 发热期 | stage of first larvae 第一代幼虫期

stage of fervescence:体温上升期

体温过高hyperthermia | 体温上升期stage of fervescence | 体液免疫缺陷defect of humoral immunity