fern [fə:n]
- fern的基本解释
- There are many different types of fern, none of which produce flowers.
- 蕨类植物有许多不同的种类,无论哪一种都不长花。
- 相似词
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- fer-de-lance
- feral alcohol syndrome
- fern所属的单词分类
Plant / 植物
vascular plant · terminal bud · simple leaf · sea weed · sage brush · petrified wood · opposite leaves · lateral bud · lanceolate leaf · incomplete flower
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Bracken fern-green and purple fern are usually called the Green fern fern sheep, cattle known as the Purple fern fern.
This study will be mainly through potted lotus leaf fern Adiantum seedlings and wire division to transplant fern, and then through the different light intensity and moisture content of the orthogonal to quantitative research lotus leaf fern Adiantum optimum growing conditions, and through Transplant Research Laboratory test pilot of the two species, competition between species to find lotus leaf fern Adiantum way to protect endangered mechanism and provide a theoretical basis.
Regardless of the kind of competition, lotus leaf fern Adiantum in 5400 lux light intensity, 60 percent of soil moisture conditions, the total biomass of the largest, which also shows a lotus leaf fern Adiantum more to live in this habitat, but In such a habitat, the species of lotus leaf fern Adiantum competition among the lowest relative intensity, but these habitats and less dispersed.
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消失的印尼雨林 Hutan Indonesia Hilang 要爱惜地球! 蕨类植物(Fern)生态解说@西温哥华灯塔公园海岸原始森林
11月23日 蕨(fern) 花语:诚实花占卜:您是个爱好思考的人,当您板著脸孔一面冷傲的时候,正是您陷入沉思的时候. 您严肃的外表常被人误会,而且考虑得太多,不易重新站起来. 记住,多笑一笑,您的人际关系会好得多.
2月5日 羊齿(Fern) 花语﹕迷人 花占卜﹕您有迷人的风采,个性真诚而善解人意,广受朋友欢迎,人缘蛮不错呢!有些人装腔作势扮纯情,但您与生俱来的腼腆形态,非常可爱,异性朋友更因为您独有的气质而深深迷恋您. 花箴言﹕迷人的风采,
这株看起来不像蕨类(fern)喔!应该是双子叶植物纲...大戟科的"叶下珠"!马茶花(学名Tabernaemontana divaricata)是夹竹桃科的植物(全株有毒),不是茶花(Lamellia)哟!这株看起来不像蕨类(fern)喔!应该是双子叶植物纲...大戟科的"叶下珠"!
Fern green:蕨绿色
6024 Traffic green 交通绿 | 6025 Fern green 蕨绿色 | 6026 Opal green 蛋白石绿色
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