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feist [faist]



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Feist is the solo project of Canada's Leslie Feist, a prolific artist who has also played in one capacity or another with Broken Social Scene, Kings of Convenience and half a dozen other bands.

Feist本名Leslie Feist,她于1976年出生在加拿大的一个宁静小城卡尔加利,自幼喜欢音乐,后来她便用自己的姓氏Feist给自己取了这样一个艺名。

Like the decision in Bonito Boats, the Feist decision strongly implies that when a work falls out of the Copyright Clause, it falls into the public domain, for the benefit of all.

如同Bonito Boats一案的判决,Feist一案的判决很强烈的暗示,当一部作品不再受著作权条款的保护时,它就进入公有领域,为大众使用。

This is not the cynical dismissal that description might at first appear to be, however: many worthy artists, from Feist to new Israeli chanteuse Yeal Naim, owe their careers to high-profile exposure like that, which is to the modern-day musical marketplace what freeform FM radio was in the late '60s and MTV was in the early '80s.

这不是那种愤世嫉俗者偏激的主观说法,事实上,那些非常了得的艺人,从Feist到来自以色列的新人,女歌手Yeal Naim,在事业方面都保持有很高的曝光率,这就是现今的音乐环境,这种随性与自由造就了60年代末的FM电台和80年代初的MTV频道。