英语人>词典>英汉 : feeding-bottle的中文,翻译,解释,例句




更多网络例句与feeding-bottle相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this mode all feeding, refilling and collecting happens automatically while your game is open.

在这种模式下,当你打开你的游戏时,所有的餵养,补充和收集(feeding, refilling or collecting)时会自动化。

The feeding regimes, including optimum feeding frequency, diel feeding rhythm, and optimum feeding rate, were established for gibel carp . The optimum feeding frequency for gibel carp was determined through 8week growth trial at five frequencies (2, 3, 4, 12 and 24 meals/d). Diel feeding rhythm of gibel carp was investigated by 24-hour trials at two body sizes (mean body weight: 20.5g and 76. 3g). The optimum feeding rate for gibel carp was estimated by the bioenergetics modelling and the validation trial was carried out based on the the feeding regimes of gibel carp.


Check against the list of key pieces required for fun: preparation for a challenge mattering, territory/environment mattering, choices in how to solve a problem, variations in the nature of the challenge, risk to loss, skill in execution, no bottom-feeding, and multiple possible success states.

检查游戏乐趣所需要的重要内容:为迎接挑战而做的预备;领土/环境问题;解决问题的多种选择;挑战的变化;失败的风险;执行的技巧;no bottom-feeding,以及多样的可选性成就。

更多网络解释与feeding-bottle相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

feeding, ad libitum:任食

饲养价值 feeding value | 任食 feeding,ad libitum | 自动喂料 feeding,automatic

feeding attractant:诱食剂

觅食地:feeding place | 诱食剂:feeding attractant | 诱食剂:feeding attractants

feeding burrow:觅食潜穴

feeding box 进给箱 | feeding burrow 觅食潜穴 | feeding canal 给水沟