英语人>词典>英汉 : feather one's nest的中文,翻译,解释,例句
feather one's nest的中文,翻译,解释,例句

feather one's nest

feather one's nest的基本解释


更多网络例句与feather one's nest相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To feather one's own nest.


Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties of "九品中正system", which at that time changed the number of state, county Executive random places around the state of accepting feather one's nest, the selection of some of the more talented people into the career, but the system was completely family later Han dominated, family background, family status as a sole criterion for evaluation of officials, in fact,豪族forces has become a tool for control of election officials, the result must be "no寒门top grade, inferior without gentry."


Novel depicts a battle heritage litigation, the judiciary from feather one's nest, as many have suggested criticized them actually delay in making the case two decades.


Fortunately, Lu called the father of Hujiahuwei drink called Pheasant Baoxinjiuhuo staff, and finally make a comeback, and also if we take the end of the needle blanket feather one's nest.


更多网络解释与feather one's nest相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

feather one's nest:营私

feather duster 掸帚 | feather one's nest 营私 | feather 翎毛

feather one's nest:(往自己的巢里弄羽毛--中饱私囊)

teach a fish to swim(教鱼游泳--班门弄斧) | feather one's nest(往自己的巢里弄羽毛--中饱私囊) | beard the lion in his den(在狮子的洞口拔它的胡须--虎口拔牙)

to feather one's nest:以饱私囊

14. 到此为止to call it a day | 15. 以饱私囊to feather one's nest | 16. 五分钟热度to flash in the pan

to feather one's nest:營私中飽成語中國成語

62806營利事業所得稅商業稅捐business profit tax | 62807營私中飽成語中國成語to feather one's nest | 62808營長軍事軍制battalion commander

Feather one's nest 1:中饱私囊2.装修舒适的住宅

Fat chance 1.微小的机会2.不可能 | Feather one's nest 1.中饱私囊2.装修舒适的住宅 | Flash in the pan 昙花一现

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