fathom ['fæðəm]
- fathom的基本解释
测量深度, 看穿, 彻底了解
- I can not fathom his meaning.
- 我不能彻底理解他的意思。
- I can't fathom his meaning.
- 我无法领会他的意思。
- Your behavior is difficult to fathom.
- 你的行为令人难以揣摸。
英寻, 长度单位(6尺)
- 相似词
- fathom的同义词
- v. follow · grasp · understand · comprehend · gauge · measure · sound
- n. fthm
- 拼写相近单词
- fathomable
- fathomage
- fathomed
- fathomer
- fathometer
- fathoming
- fathomless
- fathomlessly
- fathomlessness
- fathoms
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- fathom line
- fathom所属的单词分类
Boat / 船
ski boat · shrimp boat · jet boat · drydock · cruise ship · boat lift · amphibious vehicle · PFD · PT boat · motor launch
Measure / 测量
square centimeter · picometer · picoliter · megapixel · cubic inch · cubic centimeter · cord foot · square yard · cubic meter · nanometer
- 更多 网络例句 与fathom相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Neither cleric nor conjurer could fathom what could be the cause of this change in the lands.
FAR out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above.
FAR out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very,very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above.
- 更多网络解释 与fathom相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
人们因为惯于计算,所以他们心中就有了一些确定的长度观念,就如一吋、一呎、一码、一噚(fathom) 、一哩、地球底直径等等,(这些都是单由空间[观念]造成的许多独立的观念.
我国规范规定每节标准锚链长度为27.5m,在一些英制单位的国家也有用15拓(fathom)为一节链长的,折合约为27m. 节与节之间采用可拆的接链环,或采用连接卸扣连接起来. 为了迅速确切地掌握抛锚、起锚时锚链松出或绞进的长度,
船舱上面铺着一块平板,船夫就站在上面,用长竹竿插入湖底--湖深不过一,二寻(fathom)--撑船前进,一直到达目的地.这些船舱内油彩艳丽, 并绘有无数的图案;船的各处也同样饰以图画,船身两侧都有圆形窗户,可 随意开关,使游客坐在桌前,
新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月4日下午消息,据国外媒体报道,>(Transformers)女星梅根-福克斯(Megan Fox)加盟漫画改变电影>(Fathom). >作者编写剧本 >改编自迈克尔-特纳(Michael Turner)创作的同名漫画,
explore; fathom:探索
巨大的huge; gigantic; colossal; vast; enormous; tremendous | 探索explore; fathom | 执行carry out; execute; do
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