fast [fɑ:st]
- fast的基本解释
紧的, 快速的, 耐久的, 牢固的, 忠诚的
- They developed a fast dye.
- 他们研制了一种不褪色的染料。
- They are fast friends.
- 他们是挚友。
- He did a fast job.
- 他很快就干完了。
- He is a fast reader.
- 他读书速度很快。
很快地, 紧紧地, 彻底地
- He made the wire fast to the metal ring.
- 他把这根铁丝紧系在金属圈上。
绝食, 斋戒
绝食, 斋戒
- 相似词
- fast的同义词
- adj. solid · stable · steady · rapid · hasty · dependable · swift · sure · firm · speedy · quick
- v. starve
- 与fast相关的词组
- make fast:把...拴紧(关紧), 把...打上结
- 与fast相关的情景对话
- 休闲娱乐 / Skating-(滑冰)
Hey John, nice skates. Are they new?
Yeah, I just got them. I started playing ice hockey in a community league. So, I finally got myself new skates.
What position do you play?
I’m a defender. It’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to be able to skate as fast on defense.
Yeah, you’re a pretty big guy. I play goalie, myself.
Oh, yeah? Which team?
The Rockets.
Really? I think we play you guys next week. Well, I have to go to practice. See you later.
All right, see you later.
- 校园生活 / Learning English-(学英语)
Ralph, do me a favor, will you?
That all depends on what it is.
This is the proble, I'm still having trouble with my English.The instructor suggests that I ask an American to help me by telling me how he says the things I say which just aren't English.I wanted you to be the American.
What good'll it do?You never speak English unless you absolutely have to.I'll help you if you promise to speak noting but English all the time.
All right. Maybe I'll do that.It's the only way I'll be able to learn English fast enough, I guess.
- fast所属的单词分类
Driver / 驾驶
yellow light · van pool · u-turn · truck stop · switchbacks · speed bump · S-curve · road trip · road rage · Road Closed
Food & Eating / 食物与饮食
salsa · spork · prime rib · pork chops · mochi · meatloaf · lima beans · hot sauce · dandelion greens · caramel apple
Post / 邮政
postal code · book rate · po box · mail truck · post office box · commemorative stamp · advertisements · zip code · post office · uncanceled
- 更多 网络例句 与fast相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Angular spectral is spectral value map formed by estimating semblable coefficients of fast and slow shear wave or the variation of amplitude ratio of fast and slow shear wave with times and angles at a specified space point based on semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the angle value of this space point at a given time can be got by picking the maximum of angular spectral; the study reveals that fast and slow shear wave with different polarization direction should be separated using different rotation formula, eight formulas of separating fast and slow shear wave using clockwise rotation and counterclockwise rotation have been derived, and gained energy assignment rule and phase coincidence rule, in real data estimation, the rotation formula used for separating fast and slow shear wave can be uniquely determined on the two discriminating rules. On the basis of semblable theory of fast and slow shear wave, the delay time corresponding to the maximum of semblable coefficients at a specified point in a given time window is the delay time of fast and slow shear wave, delay time section of fast and slow shear wave can be got by moving space point and smoothing time window. The vertical variation values of delay time of fast and slow shear wave reflect the effect degree of vertical fractured reservoir on fast and slow shear wave which is defined as anisotropic coefficient, and section map of anisotropic coefficient can be obtained.
In this paper, the theory, algorithm, and experiment of automatic object detection and tracking are studied in depth. It is firstly pointed out that the essential of Mean Shift method is a special Newton-Gaussian method. A new method named Fast Mean Shift is established to stretch the conservative step of Mean Shift method. The convergence and validity of this new method are proved in theory. And it is also proved that the convergence speed of Fast Mean Shift is faster than that of Mean Shift. The contrast experiments of searching the maximum possibility density of random of data sets in plane and 3D space are done. The results show that this new method can reduce the iterations greatly. A new object tracking method based on Fast Mean Shift is built to improve the object tracking performance, which is shown in the face tracking experiment with the tennis sequence provided by the Ohio State University, and the car tracking experiment with the car sequence provided by Kalsruhe University. The face trcking experiment with highly noised images show that the object tracking method based on Fast Mean Shift has strong anti-jamming ability. A new fast color object detection technology based on characteristic color is established, which use characteristic color distribution to compute the characteristic color vector of any area in an image quickly. With the high performance search method, the fast object detection is achieved. At last, using object tracker based on Fast Mean Shift and color object detector based on characteristic color with the Kalman filter, PID controller, searial communication and other technologies, automatic object detection and tracking system with control system is built. The availability and anti-jamming ability of this system are verified by some object detection and tracking tests in different scenes.
Ran as fast as he could; needs medical help fast; fast-running rivers; fast-breaking news; fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters.
- 更多网络解释 与fast相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
后来他把乐队的贝司手赶走,让原来的鼓手去弹贝司,自己坐到了鼓架前,开玩快节奏的硬核摇滚,后来他们的节奏快得连乐队的名字都改成了"快"(Fast). 但戴夫最欣赏的鼓手还是"莱德.泽普林"的约翰.博纳姆(JohnBonham),
3、热机启动时,应把节流阀置于"快速"(FAST)位置. 5、电动启动时,放置发动机开关到"起动"(START)位置,发动机即处于启动状态,若在5s内未能启动,应把开关旋离"起动"位置,等待10s以上再重新启动. 6、冷机启动时,当发动机变热后,
答(P):我们的方法是做大量的实验,快速发布并且不断进行改进. 我们尽早的(early),快速的(Fast)更新软件,并且认真收取用户的反馈. 问:优秀(Good)测试人员和卓越(Great)测试人员的区别是什么?
法斯特(fast)氧化锆研磨仪 是我公司08年推向市场的高端义齿加工设备,经过1年的推广在国内市场占有率是最高的,也已经出口到多个国外技工实验室. 产品的加工精度经过多家用户的验证完全达到德国,意大利进口设备的水平,
Fast:abbr. functional assessment staging; 功能性评估量表
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