英语人>词典>英汉 : fan wheel的中文,翻译,解释,例句
fan wheel的中文,翻译,解释,例句

fan wheel

fan wheel的基本解释


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The process formula and flows of colour electrophoresis finishing on the fan blade of nickel-plated aluminum wheel, the stripling of substandard film and the advantage of colour electrophoresis finishing were introduced.


This paper describes the methods of computer aided modeling and numeral control machining to be used in design and manufacture of high precision solid casting dies,which contributes to the nationalization of the fan dynamic bladed wheel for a certain product.


The action of the centrifugal fan, expressed in simple terms, is as follows: when the fan wheel, A (Fig.25.2), carrying the blades or vanes, B, revolves in its casing, the air is moved by the blades, but does not continue to rotate with them.Instead, it is thrown outwards by centrifugal force to the casing, as shown by the arrow, BC, just as a stone flies off from the common sling.

该行动的离心风机,表达了简单来说,就是如下:当风扇车轮,( fig.25.2 ),进行叶片或叶片,乙,围绕在其套管,空气所动刀片,但不继续轮流与them.instead ,这是向外抛出,由离心力,以套管,显示箭头,公元前,正如一位石材苍蝇从共同吊索。

The harder you pedal the faster the fan wheel spins the more resistance you experience.


The side of the air inlet (14) closest to the outer edge of the wings (13) on the fan wheel (12) is arranged at an angle of 10 DEG to 60 DEG in relation to the outer edge of the wings (13) on the fan wheel (12) to reduce the amount of sound generated.


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fan spoked wheel:风扇辐轮

fan spindle bearing ==> 风扇轴承 | fan spoked wheel ==> 风扇辐轮 | fan static head ==> 扇风机静压头


fan speed || 鼓风机转速 | fan wheel || 风机叶轮 | fan-cooled machine || 扇冷电机


28.Fanbelt 风扇皮带 | 29.Fan wheel 风扇叶轮 | 30.Electric fan 电动风扇


fan ventilator ==> 风扇式通风机,风扇通风器 | fan wheel ==> 扇风机风轮 | fan window ==> 扇形窗

fly wheel fan:飞轮风扇

"飞轮效率","fly wheel efficiency" | "飞轮风扇","fly wheel fan" | "飞轮发电机","fly wheel generator"

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