英语人>词典>英汉 : falling sickness的中文,翻译,解释,例句
falling sickness的中文,翻译,解释,例句

falling sickness

falling sickness的基本解释


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Electroencephalogram,as one of secure, untraumatic medicine test methods,has got very important application value in heap cerebral nerve and organizational sickness uniform diagnose such as falling sickness, encephalitis, disturbance of consciousness and so on.


The relapse paroxysm and long range difficult to cure nature falling sickness use medicine to lead to the dysfunction being complicated by cognition.


Objective: At present, understand that about that falling sickness studies all-round should include the cognition obstacle flaring up ,again and again and breaking out simultaneously to falling sickness.


Under the guidance of the "Wei Li New Treating Theory", many breakthroughs have been achieved in diagnosis and treatment for intestinal diseases, falling sickness, psychosis, gynecopathy, pediatrics; cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, digestive system diseases and respiratory system diseases.


Hippocampus CA1 area is the location studying .In hippocampus CA1 area cone cell tier, CA2 shapes with CA3 area also have large amount of NPY to be able to there exist in nerve basic in the tier, but the person remembers that the obstacle relation sees news report not yet with studying difficult to bring nature falling sickness concurrency under control.


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falling sickness:癫痫

fallibly 容易犯错地 | falling sickness 癫痫 | falling star 流星

falling sickness:儿童癫痫

■ 帕金森氏病 Parkinson's disease | ■ 儿童癫痫 falling sickness | ■ 焦虑 anxiety

falling sickness:癫痫; 癫痫发作

falling 落下; 跌倒; 陷落; 堕落 (名) | falling sickness 癫痫; 癫痫发作 | falling star 陨星; 流星


\\"(疾)病\\",\\"sickness,disease\\" | \\"跌倒病,癫痫\\",\\"sickness,falling\\" | \\"飞行病,高空神经官能病\\",\\"sickness,flying,aeroneurosis\\"