fake [feik]
- fake的基本解释
假货, 欺骗, 欺蹒
- The experts discovered several fakes in the art collection.
- 专家们在这批艺术收藏品中发现了几件赝品。
- This is a fake picture.
- 这是幅假画。
假造, 仿造
- She faked illness so as not to go to school.
- 她为了逃学假装生病。
- He faked an opposing player out of position.
- 他用假动作使一名对手离开了自己的位置。
- He faked illness.
- 他假装生病。
- 相似词
- fake的同义词
- adj. fraudulent · mock · false · artificial · imitation · imitative · counterfeit · make-believe
- v. pretend · counterfeit · falsify · disguise · feign · deceive · distort
- n. sham
- 更多 网络例句 与fake相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
As a result, for feed-forward NN model this paper first proposes the concepts of"attractor"and"attraction region","fake attractor"and"fake attraction region", and norm of describing"attraction region". Further this paper presents a mathematics method of calculating feed-forward NN"attraction region", it solves the overelaborate job of checking NN fault-tolerance performance by testing all detecting samples, so to test fault-tolerance performance using theoretic characteristic norm is an important break. In accordance with feed-forward NN low fault-tolerance and difficult to satisfy practical application, according to practical application theory, this paper presents an actual method of enhancing NN fault-tolerance performance, builds the mechanism of reconstructing NN model based on combining NN and fuzzy process, reforms NN "fake attractor"and"fake attraction region"to enhance NN fault-tolerance performance greatly.
The background of fake-guard line is analyzed from five aspects, as the market segmentation, the market capacity, the market character, the fake-guard technology and the market competetion;the background of Tsinghua Touch Stone Company is introduced from the following respects: the basic condition of the company, the company mission, the fake-guard technology and the corporational culture.
Thebackground of fake-guard line is analyzed from five aspects, as the marketsegmentation, the market capacity, the market character, the fake-guard technologyand the market competetion; the background of Tsinghua Touch Stone Company isintroduced from the following respects: the basic condition of the company, thecompany mission, the fake-guard technology and the corporational culture.
- 更多网络解释 与fake相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
但是接待的移民官说,我是J1身份,他不能给我延那两个月,我实在很气愤,说:"难道我护照上的I-551章是假的(fake)吗?",没能奔丧,这是我一生中永远的痛!! 又过了一段时间,我从移民局的网站下载I-90表,填好后寄去了移民局加州中心,
那里面有键位设置,你一个一个的去对照吧投篮(shoot)、起跳抢篮板或盖帽(jump)、加速(turbo)外,还应设置好交叉运球(cross over)、假动作(fake)、滑步防守(face up)、转动(pivot)、伸手(hand check)及断球(steal
从发展中国家的角度来讲,这双重标准对他们不公平,并且无论发达国家赠给他们资助还援助,他们还难以相信人家不是剥削他们,再说赠给的资助往往是杯水车薪. 因为这个问题涵盖许多方面,所以至今还没解决. 真货(real) 假货 (fake)
这些伪造(fake)部件都是用来仿制IBM的"XT"个人电脑的. 有些公司开发了产品防伪密码(secretproductcode)来识别(identify)产品的真假. 这些公司必须定期更改密码,以防制假者破解、复制(duplicate)密码. 也许,对于制造厂商来说,
Fake Diplomas:假文凭
40.Develop Our Creative Mind培养我们创造性思维 | 41. Fake Diplomas假文凭 | 42. Embracing the Knowledge Economy Age拥抱知识经济时代
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