英语人>词典>英汉 : extraction turbine的中文,翻译,解释,例句
extraction turbine的中文,翻译,解释,例句

extraction turbine

extraction turbine的基本解释

[化] 抽汽式汽轮机

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Therefore, it is essential to analyze the dynamic characteristics and to optimize the parameter of DEH control system of reheat extraction steam turbine, which would do benefit to design the control system with excellent performance and to guarantee the safety of the turbines.


Taking distributed control system used by 220t/h circulation fluid bed boiler and 25MW double extraction condensing turbine as examples,aiming at the problems exiting in distributed control system,from the aspects of improving safety,generality,flexibility,control performance,integrative management ability,being easy to use and maintenance,adopts a serial of new ways and strategies,makes it being into the new control system which other control systems can't compare with.

以220 t/h 循环流化床锅炉及25 MW双抽凝汽式机组所使用的分散控制系统为例,针对分散控制系统在应用中所存在的问题,对该控制系统在提高安全可靠性、通用灵活性、最优控制性能、综合管理能力以及方便使用与维护等方面,采取了一系列新的方法与策略,使之成为其他控制系统无法比拟的新一代控制系统。

In this case, it applies two 35 t/h forward-turning chain grate boilers with 3.92 MPa and 450℃, and one 6000kW steam extraction turbine power generator to replace original six 10t/h 0.78 MPa boilers, so as to realize co-generation.


Objective To evaluate the superiority of turbine drill in extraction of impacted mandibular third molars.


Therefore, in this thesis, a new derived nonlinear dynamic mathematical model of a double extraction steam turbine is used for the certification of the feasibility of the linear one which is widely used, in steam turbine plants.


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extraction turbine:抽汽式汽轮机

extraction lens ==> 引出透镜 | extraction turbine ==> 抽汽式汽轮机 | extraction turbo-generator unit ==> 抽气式汽轮发电机组

extraction turbine:抽汽式涡轮机

extraction of gas 放气 | extraction turbine 抽汽式涡轮机 | extraordinary wave 异常波

extraction turbine:抽汽透平

extraction steam 抽汽 | extraction turbine 抽汽透平 | extractor 抽出器提取器

extraction turbine:抽气式汽轮机

extraction tower 抽提塔 | extraction turbine 抽气式汽轮机 | extraction turbo-generator unit 抽气式汽轮发电机组

automatic extraction turbine:自动调节抽汽式汽轮机

automatic exposure programmed shutter 135 camera 装有自动曝光程序快门的135式照相机 | automatic extraction turbine 自动调节抽汽式汽轮机 | automatic eye sewing machine 自动锁圆头钮孔缝纫机

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