expiration [,ekspi'reiʃən]
- expiration的基本解释
呼气, 呼出, 终止, 满期
- 相似词
- expiration的反义词
- n. inspiration
- 拼写相近词组、短语
- expiration date
- 更多 网络例句 与expiration相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Where the expiration date of the grace period precedes the statutory time limit for disclosing the annual financial statement of 2001 and if the company fails to disclose its 2001 annual financial statement prior to the expiration of the grace period, or it has disclosed the 2001 annual financial statement prior to the expiration of the grace period but fails to file an application within 5 working days after the expiration of the grace period, the stock exchange shall decide to terminate the listing of the stocks of the company within 10 working days after the expiration of the grace period.
As expiration granularity relates to a resource's inherent characteristics, we measure each resource's expiration granularity in relation to its own estimated lifespan and not along an absolute time scale.
Article 24 Upon expiration of the term of use under the contract, the land user may apply for its renewal to the assigner 1 year before expiration if they need continue the use of the assigned land, the assigner should approve the application unless the land under the contract will be withdrawalled for social public interest.
- 更多网络解释 与expiration相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
呼吸作用包括吸气(inspiration)--吸入氧气,和呼气(expiration)--呼出二氧化碳等废气. 肺能把氧气运送到血液中并且带走废气. 所有的高级动物都有肺,但低级动物和植物依靠别的方式实现呼吸作用. 在胸腔(chest cavity,
有时候要一一的纪录网域名称过期时间、或是相关数据等等都很不方便. 透过 Domain Log Book 的免费服务,就能将你所有的网域名称集合起来. 让你一眼就能看到过期时间(Expiration)、Google Pagerank、Alexa Rank、Compete Rank 与 WHOIS 资料.
RIP使用的第二个定时器时期满(expiration)定时器. 路由器只要收到通往特定信宿的路由,就对通往该信宿的期满定时器初始化. 期满定时器虽然被设定为180秒,但在稳定的网络中总是每隔30秒被初始化. 当网络不稳定时,此定时器的时间区间表示该路由无效.
部分GET方式通过允许当客户端没有得到全部的传输数据时部分的重建数据来减少不必要的网络使用.当缓存器返回响应既不是第一手的也不是最保鲜(fresh)的,此响应必须附加警告,13.2 过期(Expiration)模型13.2.3 年龄(Age)计算相反情况(write-back)在HTTP1.1中是不允许的,
expiration date:到期日
3.到期日(expiration date):执行期权的最后有效日期. 4.权利类型看涨期权(call option):它赋予持有人购买基础资产的权利,又称买入期权或买权. 看跌期权(put option):它赋予持有人卖出基本资产的权利,又称卖出期权或卖权.
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