英语人>词典>英汉 : example的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,相关词组,拼写相似词汇

example [ig'zæmpl]


实例, 例子, 榜样

  • Mary's courage is an example to us all.
  • 玛丽的勇敢是我们大家的榜样。
  • This dictionary has many examples of how verbs are used.
  • 这本词典有许多关于动词用法的例句。
  • Their courage was an example to all of us.
  • 他们的勇气是我们大家学习的榜样。
  • Please give an example.
  • 请举一个例子。
n. illustration · model · sample · representative · symbol · instance · pattern · type
for example:例如
without example:没有先例
更多 网络例句 与example相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abstract] objective to discuss ultrasound diagnosis on fetal abnormal.methods we examined 1 231 example pregnant women carried on the prenatal with ultrasonography and the color ultrasonography.results picked out the fetal abnormal 9 examples,in which anencephaly were 2 examples,the hydrocephalus 3 examples,the meningocele 1 example,the endocardial cushion defects 1 example,the ectopiacordis accompanied grastroschisis 1 example,the cleftlip 1 example.all patients were confirmed through induced labor.conclusion fetal abnormal ultrasonography image is typical,the careful inspection correct analysis can discover promptly,ultrasonography is the first method to inspect the fetalabnormal,may achieve the prompt discovery,prompt termination of pregnancy item.

目的 探讨超声检查对胎儿畸形的诊断价值。方法对1231例孕妇进行产前超声检查。结果检出胎儿畸形9例,其中无脑畸形2例,脑积水3例,脑膜膨出1例,心内膜垫缺损1例,心脏外翻并腹壁大缺损1例,唇裂1例。所有患者均经引产后证实。结论胎儿畸形的声像图比较典型,细心检查正确分析能及时发现,超声是检查胎儿畸形的首选方法,可达到及时发现及时终止妊娠的目的。

Nouns can be divided into common noun(for example "汽车"、"计算机"、"老师"、"字典"and so on), proper noun( for example"中国"、"毛泽东"、"《子夜》"and so on), collective noun(for example"人口"、"车辆"、"河流"and so on), and abstract noun(for example"思想"、"意识"、"能力"and so on).


Tupos {too'-pos} from 5180; TDNT - 8:246,1193; n m AV - ensample 5, print 2, figure 2, example 2, pattern 2, fashion 1, manner 1, form 1; 16 1 the mark of a stroke or blow, print 2 a figure formed by a blow or impression 2a of a figure or image 2b of the image of the gods 3 form 3a the teaching which embodies the sum and substance of religion and represents it to the mind, manner of writing, the contents and form of a letter 4 an example 4a in the technical sense, the pattern in conformity to which a thing must be made 4b in an ethical sense, a dissuasive example, a pattern of warning 4b1 of ruinous events which serve as admonitions or warnings to others 4c an example to be imitated 4c1 of men worthy of imitation 4d in a doctrinal sense 4d1 of a type i.e. a person or thing prefiguring a future person or thing

相关经文回前一页 5179 tupos {too'-pos}源自 5180; TDNT - 8:246,1193;阳性名词钦定本- ensample 5, print 2, figure 2, example 2, pattern 2, fashion 1, manner 1, form 1; 16 1 敲打,击打,压印的痕迹 2 因击打或压印而形成的形状 2a 形状或影像 2b 神的形像 3 样式 3a 对教义的要点和内容的教导,并且对心思描述出来,写作的样式,书信的形示和内容 4 模式 4a 具有技术性的意义,是指制造物件时必须符合的的原型 4b 具有道德方面的意义,一种劝戒的模式,一种警告的先例 4b1 是指灾难性的事件成为对其他人的一种告诫和警告 4c 一种可模仿的榜样 4c1 值得模仿的人 4d 具有教义上的意义 4d1 是指一种预像,亦即一个人或一件事物预先表示出那将来的人或事