英语人>词典>英汉 : ethyl carbamate的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ethyl carbamate的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ethyl carbamate

ethyl carbamate的基本解释

[化] 氨基甲酸乙酯, 尿烷

更多网络例句与ethyl carbamate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such method was suitable for quantitative determination of ethyl carbamate in grape wine.


Objective The exposure of ethyl carbamate in wine was assessed and related to its risk on lung tumor.


The jeopardy,mechanism,analysis method and elimination method of ethyl carbamate was summarized to enhance the social recognition of it as a carcinogen.


Experimental agents: 5% lidocaine hydrochloride;20% ethyl carbamate; aether;pure oxgen and nitrogen for medical purpose; 4% paraform;0.1M PBS; TTC;Bcl-2 andBax immunohistochemistry; SABC kit;~(99m)TcO_4~-, Annenxin V, Sn~(2+)-Tricine Kit andHYNIC-Annexin V Kit.

TTC,2.5%戊二醛,1%锇酸,Epon812;兔抗兔Bcl-2和Bax多克隆抗体、SABC试剂盒、TUNEL试剂盒和DAB染色液;~(99m)TcO_4~-,Annenxin V,Sn~(2+)-Tricine Kit和HYNIC-Annexin V Kit。

Methyl-l, 3-oxazine-2,4-dione are prepared from ethyl acetoacetate and ethyl carbamate at 140 for 6h, catalysted by zinc acetate, giving to 48.8% yields which is 33% more than the literature value.


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更多网络解释与ethyl carbamate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethyl carbamate:氨基甲酸乙酯

常配(3)硫喷妥纳(pentothal sodium)为淡黄色粉末,水溶液不稳定,一(4)氨基甲酸乙酯(ethyl carbamate)又名乌拉坦或脲酯. 氨基甲酸(5)氯醛糖(chloralose)溶解度较小,常用浓度为1%,使用前须加半导体应变片两种,

Ethyl carbamate:氨甲酸乙酯

氨甲环酸 Tranexamic Acid | 氨甲酸乙酯 Ethyl Carbamate | 氨甲酸酯类 Carbamates

Ethyl carbamate:胺基甲酸乙酯

酪酸乙酯 ethyl butyrate | 胺基甲酸乙酯 ethyl carbamate | 碳酸乙酯 ethyl carbonate

Ethyl carbamate:胺甲酸乙酯

辛酸乙酯 ethyl caprylate | 胺甲酸乙酯 ethyl carbamate | 乙咔唑 ethyl carbazole

urethane; ethyl carbamate:乌拉坦;胺甲酸乙酯

脲乙酸 ureidoacetic acid; hydantoic acid | 乌拉坦;胺甲酸乙酯 urethane; ethyl carbamate | 胺甲酸甲酯 urethylan; methylurethane

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