英语人>词典>英汉 : ethics的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

ethics ['eθiks]



  • Ethics deals with moral conduct.
  • 伦理学研讨道德行为。
  • The ethics of his profession do not permit him to do that.
  • 他的职业道德不容许他那样做。
n. morality · ethic
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment  ·  sidebar  ·  plea bargain  ·  hung jury  ·  family law  ·  constitutional law  ·  bar exam  ·  aid and abet  ·  voir dire  ·  probable cause

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Ethics is an essential factor in literature aesthetic characteristics. Both literature and ethics are rooted in social life. Ethics embodied in literature is the need of both human beings and the society. Literature is the "emotionalization" of ethics, and ethics is the content of emotion.


From May 4th Movement of 1919 to the 1920s, sex love narrations in Chinese novels were rather an enlightenment and liberation in that particular era with four characteristics. Firstly, sexual desire was endowed with rationality with regard to liberation of human nature and mutual love. Secondly, with an epochal concern for a stronger and superior race, greater attention was paid to sexual parties concerned, mainly physically. Thirdly, new ethics on sex were promoted in that personal freedom on sex love was emphasized and sex love became an important way of self-fulfillment. Therefore, independence of sex love was advocated and the scope of sex love was also widened. Fourthly, the sex consciousness of this period had the mixed features of the past and the contemporary. Sex love narrations in the 1930s and 1940s showed a further exploration on the theme of human nature. First of all, sex was restored to a kind of desire. ShenCongwen probed the importance of harmonious sex love to a sound personality and Shi Zhecunrevealed that sexual inhibition could lead to the distortion, even frenzy of human nature. Bothexplored the influence and functions of sexual desire as human nature upon human personality,giving prominence to the irresistibleness of sexual desire and the significance of sexual desire asa motive. Then, human bodies driven by sexual desire were described and given greater attentionto. Next, ethics on sex were deconstructed either by Shen Congwen who opposed man-madeethics with law of nature and the School of New Sensation who replaced traditional ethics on sexwith exchange rules in consumption, or by Shi Zhecun who spared no efforts in representing thecomplete failure of social rules, including ethics on sex, due to the impact from sexual desire.The direct effect was a paleness of the ethical binding force on sex. Last, sex consciousness inthe works of female writers emerged. In the early works of Ding Ling, the sexual desire of thefemale is no longer a ramification of emotion but an independent one. In addition, in the sex lovenarrations of other female writers, such as Mei Niang, strong self-consciousness on the socialstatus of the female is also reflected. Sex love narrations in the late 1970s and early 1980s wereactually a re-enlightenment in the spirit of humanism, whose major features include humanisticlegitimation of sex love within the boundary of ethics, a blend of sex love narrations withnational concepts and national myths as well as the aesthetic, poetic descriptions of humanbodies etc. In the middle and late 1980s, sex love narrations entered a stage of exploration forpluralism. First, by restoration of sexual desire, writers of this era restored human nature, thevery original state of human being. Different emphasis and tendencies could be seen in differentwriters: looking at sex love dialectically and trying to describe its creative as well as destructivecharacteristics; connecting sex love with violence and trying to reveal the evil side of humannature through it; emphasizing the creativeness of sex love especially in the heritage of"wildness".


Finally, based on the reality of Chinese socialism market economy, the author dissects the vacancy incurrent construction of Chinese enterprise ethics, draws lessons from the success of overseas' Chinese business ethics, analyses the ethics resources adoptable including the Marx's economy ethics , the synthetical nature and modern-meaningful turns of Confucian ethics, and Amartya ?


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在西方,还有一些论著把研究哲学价值理论的学科称为"伦理学"(Ethics)或"道德哲学"(Moral Philosophy),特月0是用"伦理学"这一名称的较多. 这与西方哲学价值理论的特点有很大的关系. 西方不少学者在研究哲学价值理论时,


正直、道德规范(ethics)指个人或个人所在机构的正确与错误行为的相关标准. 个人道德规范和行为准则为决定特定情况下的是非判断提供了基础. 职业道德标准是建立在社会标准之上的,而且大多数行业形成了与社会标准一致的行为准则.


和"果断"(Edge)的英文首字,"永恒的 E"是"道德"(Ethics)的英文首字. 这一标准要拉宣布将其半导体业务分割,融入一间名为飞思卡尔(Freescale)的独立公司. 弟约瑟夫.加尔文(Joseph Galvin)在芝加哥联手创立了摩托罗拉公司的前身:公司(General Instrument Corporation)提出了首个数字高清电视技术


而在很多人看来,"道德"(moral)与"伦理"(ethics)常被用作同义词. 北京大学哲学系教授、伦理学教研室主任何怀宏教授认为,这对同义词具有清楚的词源根据:"伦理"源自希腊文的ethos一词,"道德"源自拉丁文的"mores"一词,

business ethics:商业道德

美国"商业道德"(Business Ethics)杂志在2002年3/4月号杂志公布了其第三届年度最佳100家善尽公民责任的企业. 在这份排名中,除了针对企业社会责任相关的环境与社会绩效做排名外,也对公司的财务绩效做了排名. 这份以学术研究为基础的排名也印证了这样一个事实,

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