英语人>词典>英汉 : error free的中文,翻译,解释,例句
error free的中文,翻译,解释,例句

error free

error free的基本解释


更多网络例句与error free相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Billing agent advantages: 1, agent billing company is to provide SMEs with accounting, tax, consulting, consultancy and supervision of professional companies, enterprises pay a full-time as long as 30 percent of the cost of accounting, you can enjoy Services of a professional team 2, agent billing companies are a professional team, all-round industry, whether it is commercial, industrial, construction, transport, securities and other accounts can be accurate treatment, and the use of modern computers to replace the old manual entry account, so writing a clear, fast, error-free.

代理记帐的好处: 1、代理记帐公司是为中小型企业提供记帐、报税、咨询、顾问监督等专业性公司,企业只要支付一个专职会计百分之三十的费用,就可以享用一个专业的团队服务 2、代理记帐公司是一个专业团队、行业技术全面,不管是商业、工业、建筑、运输、证券等帐务都能准确无误的处理,并且使用现代化计算机代替古老的手工记帐,做到字迹清楚、速度快、无差错。

Only two papers known to the author discussed the possible relationship between the estimates of Km and Vmax. Colquhoun (196 9) found a strong positive correlation between these estimates in a simulation study. Subsequently, Oliver (1970) examined this relationship by the asymptotic variance-covariance matrices. These simulation and mathematical analyses were based on the assumption that the substrate concentration is error-free, with the error confined to the reaction velocity. In addition, their work was confined to the several estimation methods.


If the diamond—shaped filter banks are error—free, the fan filter bank is also error—free.


更多网络解释与error free相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Error Detecting System:误差检测系统

error-detecting routine 误差检测程序 | error-detecting system 误差检测系统 | error-free maintenance 无误差维护

error frequency limit:错误频率极限

error free 没有误差的 | error frequency limit 错误频率极限 | error function 误差函数

QEF: Quasi Error Free:准无误码

QAM: Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 正交调幅 | QEF: Quasi Error Free 准无误码 | QMFB: Quadrature Mirror Filter Banks 正交镜像滤波器组