eon ['i:ən]
- eon的基本解释
永世, 无数的年代, 万古
- Eons passed before life existed on the earth.
- 经过数不清的年代以后,地球上才有人类。
- 相似词
- eon的同义词
- n. aeon
- eon所属的单词分类
Time / 时间
pendulum clock · geologic time · galactic year · analog clock · Zulu time · UTC · IDL · Coordinated Universal Time · pocket watch · clock face
- 更多 网络例句 与eon相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Songshan World Geological Park has a total area of 464square kilometers. In the park, aggradation and structure, such as magmatic rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock of the 5periods of geologic history, namely 二 Archean Eon, Proterozoic Eon, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, continuously and completely crop out, relics of angular discordance interface and structural feature fwature by 3 global Precambrian orogeny and epeirogeny respectively called SongYang motion, Zhongyue motion and Shaolin motion taking place 25billion years,1.8billion years and 546million years ago. This park is called by geologists as" natural geology museum ,of" five generations under one roof .
嵩山世界地质公园总面积 464 平方千米,公园内连续完整地出露着太古宙、元古宙、古生代、中生代、新生代五个地质历史时期的岩浆岩、变质岩、沉积岩等沉积和构造,清晰地保存着发生在距今 25 亿年、 18 亿年、 5.46 亿年前被分别命名为嵩阳运动、中岳运动和少林运动的三次全球性前寒武纪造山、造陆运动所形成的角度不整合界面及构造形态遗迹,被地质学家称为"五世同堂"的"天然地质博物馆"。
In the park, aggradation and st ru cture, such as magmatic rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock of the 5periods of geologic history, namely 二 Archean Eon, Proterozoic Eon, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, continuously and completely crop out, relics of angular discordance interface and structural feature fwature by 3 global Precambrian orogeny and epeirogeny respectively called SongYang motion, Zhongyue motion and Shaolin motion taking place 25billion years,1.8billion years and 546million years ago. This park is called by geologists as" natural geology museum ,of" five generations under one roof .
元古宙、古生代、中生代、新生代五个地质历史时期的岩浆岩、变质岩、沉积岩等沉积和构造,清晰地保存着发生在距今 25 亿年、 18 亿年、 5.46 亿年前被分别命名为高阳运动、中岳运动和少林运动的三次全球性前寒武纪造山、造陆运动所形成的角度不整合界面及构造形态遗迹,被地质学家称为"五世同堂"的"天然地质博物馆"。
The first part is called Cryptozoie Eon which means " hidden life" and the second part is known as Phanerozoic Eon which stands for " obvious life".
- 更多网络解释 与eon相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
所谓"宙"(eon)是地质年代上最大的单位. 所谓隐生,是说这39亿年内已有生物,但在地层内却找不到任何证据,生物遗骸完全隐藏在地层以内. 在隐生宙内所建立的地层叫做"隐生宇"(CryptozoicEonothem),其中包括火成岩、沉积岩及变质岩.
"他的其它著名长篇小说包括>(Queen of Angels)以及"永世三部曲"> (Eon),>(Etemity)和幻迷杂志>的主编亚里.佩索仁(Jari Pesone n)对格里格.拜尔的书面采访.
他的其它著名长篇小说包括>(Queen of Angels)以及"永世三部曲"> (Eon),>(Etemity). 格蕾格.柏尔在接受writerwrites的记者专访时谈及"在什么时候你知道自己想成为一个作家?何时产生突变?"这一问题,
地质朝代的分法首先是依据生物的有无分为两个元(eon),即沒有生物存在的隱生元和有生物存在的显生元. 显生元再依据生物种类的不同,分为古生代、中生代、新生代等三个朝代(era). 每个朝代再分为纪(period),每个纪再分为世(epoch).
eon:abbr. everything on the net; 网上一切
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