英语人>词典>英汉 : entrance hall的中文,翻译,解释,例句
entrance hall的中文,翻译,解释,例句

entrance hall

复数:[entrance halls]  
entrance hall的基本解释


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The kitchen, the butler's pantry, the servants' hall, the entrance hall, were equally alive; and the saloons were only left void and still when the blue sky and halcyon sunshine of the genial spring weather called their occupants out into the grounds.


Looking over from the high place, Shanghai Oriental Art Center is just like a blossoming flower with five petals, which is composed of the entrance hall, Performance Hall, Concert Hall, Exhibition Gallery and Opera Hall, forming a beautiful butterfly orchid in full bloom.


No portage in public area、audience access、entrance hall and entrance square is permitted..


更多网络解释与entrance hall相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

entrance hall:门廊

和{吼吼烧(Incendio)} 奖杯室(Trophy Room) 用壁炉旁的毛刷刷一下左边的两个发暗的黄色奖杯(用{温咖颠啦唯啊萨(Wingardium Leviosa)}) 靠近这两个奖杯并分别调查 门廊(Entrance Hall) 在靠近回旋楼梯的一个小房间中有一个拖把,

entrance hall:入口大廳

□ 入口大厅(Entrance Hall) 石墙四周都是熊熊燃烧的火炬. 天花板高得几乎看不到顶,正面是一段豪华的大理石楼梯,直通楼上. □ 大礼堂(Great Hall) 餐厅所在地,神奇美妙、富丽堂皇,也是各种宴会举行的地方. 有四张长桌,分别代表四个学院,

entrance hall:门厅

main entrance 大门 | entrance hall 门厅 | staircase, stairs, stairway 楼梯