英语人>词典>英汉 : endings的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



(故事, 电影等的)结局( ending的名词复数 ), 结束, 终结, 最后部份

更多 网络例句 与endings相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results There were nNOS-immunopositive never endings in fibrous coat of capsule of cervical zygapophyseal joints, flava ligament, interspinalia ligament, supraspinale ligament and annulus fibrous of intervertebrale disc. These nerve endings present arborization or beads.

结果 人颈椎关节突关节囊的纤维层、黄韧带、棘间韧带、棘上韧带和椎间盘的纤维环内均有nNOS免疫反应阳性神经末梢的存在,这此神经末梢呈树枝状或念珠状,其走行与结缔组织层平行。

Some of the Fathers use the rhythmical endings of the "cursus" in their prose; some have the later accented endings which were corruptions of the correct prosodical ones.

有些父亲用有节奏的结局" cursus ",在他们的散文,有的后来口音的大团圆的结局,其中反腐倡廉工作的正确

Histologic studies have demonstrated that the lumbar facet joints are richly innervated with encapsulated (Ruffini-type endings, pacinian corpuscles), unencapsulated, and free nerve endings.5 The presence of low-threshold, rapidly adapting mechanosensitive neurons suggests that in addition to transmitting nociceptive information, the l-z facet capsule also serves a proprioceptive function.


更多网络解释 与endings相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"end point","终点" | "endings","煤巷" | "endless belt","环带 ; 无极带"

Happy Endings:幸福结局

麦姬.杰伦哈尔是好莱坞新生代男星杰克.杰伦哈尔(<<后天>>,<<断臂山>>)的姐姐,曾主演过<<蒙娜丽萨的微笑>>(Mona Lisa Smile)和<<幸福结局>>(Happy Endings).

Happy Endings:皆大欢喜

有些独立制片人和电影人指出,狮门在去年宣传<<伤心往事>>(House of D)和<<皆大欢喜>>(Happy Endings)等独立电影时一点也不卖力. 虽然有些独立电影公司制作了不少类型电影,如福克斯的原子公司(Atomic)和焦点旗下的罗格(Rogue),

Happy Endings:幸福结局,完美结局,皆大欢喜

以下为 幸福结局/完美结局/皆大欢喜(Happy Endings) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. <<幸福结局>>是一部描写美国家庭成员之间关系的影片,由演技派女星玛吉-吉伦哈尔和<<六人行>>中扮"菲比"的丽莎-库卓担当主演.

Happy Endings:注定快乐的结束

New beginnings 新的开始 | Happy endings 注定快乐的结束 | Our Love Story begins 我们爱的篇章便这样揭开

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