英语人>词典>英汉 : encircles的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[变形] encircle的第三人称单数


环绕, 包围, 围绕

更多网络例句与encircles相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

World economy area is changed, the current situation of collectivize and the development that region economy encircles commerce

世界经济区域化、集团化的现状与区域经济圈贸易的发展- thesis-writing.cn,论文-报刊摘要

IT encircles the place that is a young sacrosanctity.


When you find the larynx, you have also found your thyroid cartilage, since it encircles your voicebox.


Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.


Knowledge is limited,but imagination encircles the world.


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更多网络解释与encircles相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beltway n. a high-speed highway that encircles or skirts an urban area:环行公路

deceptive a. 欺骗性的 | beltway n. a high-speed highway that encircles or skirts an urban area 环行公路 | shift vt. 转移, 改变

Circle encircles the earth:转着圈环绕地球

I am treasured over all the Earth被全世界珍爱 | Circle encircles the earth转着圈环绕地球 | Chance and choice break his heart机遇和选择打破他的心(这两句唱得很温柔)

The war iron encircles the stronghold:金戈铁马铁围寨

陪都别墅地西温泉villa areas and west hot springs in ChongQing | 金戈铁马铁围寨 The war iron encircles the stronghold | 清新灵秀二道河 Fresh attractive two rivers

of the love that encircles you forever:代表你俩白头借老

...on Emily's hand as a symbol...|戴上戒指 | ...of the love that encircles you forever.|代表你俩白头借老 | Happy to.|我很乐意

The net encircles the krill and pulls them in:网将磷虾卷入聚成一圈

to create a bubble net.|制照出一个气泡网 | The net encircles the krill and pulls them in.|网将磷虾卷入聚成一圈 | Then the whales swim up through the bubble net,|然后鲸鱼从气泡网中游上来

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