employable [im'plɔiəbl]
- employable的基本解释
有资格任职的, 称职的
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The most employable and promotable legal secretaries have specific training and experience in litigation and conveyancing procedures.
Economists say the shortage of semi-skilled workers in a country with a population of more than 1bn shows the government is failing to do its part to upgrade basic education to produce more workers employable in modern industry.
Other tips from Mr Spelman include avoiding voluntary redundancy programmes, which encourage the most employable people to quit, and not firing the newest recruits on a crude "last in, first out" basis, as this cuts off the supply of future talent.
- 更多网络解释 与employable相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
lawfully employable:可合法受雇
lawful order 合法命令 | lawfully employable 可合法受雇 | legal custody 法定管养权;合法羁押
employ 雇用 | employable 称职的 | employe 雇工
employable 适于雇用的 | employable 有使用价值的 | employe 从业员
emplectum 空斗石墙 | employable 适于雇用的 | employable 有使用价值的
employable:称职的; 有资格任职的 (形)
employ 雇用, 使从事于, 使用 (动) | employable 称职的; 有资格任职的 (形) | employee 职员, 受雇人员, 员工 (名)
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