英语人>词典>英汉 : embank的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

embank [im'bæŋk]

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以堤围绕, 筑堤围堵, 以堤防堵挡

更多网络例句与embank相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Key words: embank; relief-well; design parameters; orthogonal experiment.


Simulation results verify that insulated board can effectively protect the heat from transferring into the foundations, and the frozen table is always around the lower bottom of the boards; the position of the frozen table with insulated boards is higher than that of without; the embank- ment formation has a better effect on the center of embankment, the shoulder and toe of the roads than others; after consideration of the construction effect, the best lay out of the insulated boards is higher than the position of natural ground surface to 0.3-0.6 m; this formation of the embankments is the right effective constructer to be used in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet railway.

通过数值模拟可知:保温板能够有效地阻止热量由路基面向下传入地基中,使0℃等温线始终在保温板底层;复合路基多年冻土上限的位置要比无保温板时的高;该结构形式对路基中心、路肩和坡脚下的多年冻土上限抬升的综合效果更好;考虑施工条件后,复合路基在保温板铺设距离天然地面之上0.3~0.6 m对于路基稳定性最为有利;该路基结构形式为青藏铁路多年冻土区路基的理想结构形式,有利于克服全球变暖的影响。

He rushed across the plain like a winter torrent that has burst its barrier in full flood; no dykes, no walls of fruitful vineyards can embank it when it is swollen with rain from heaven, but in a moment it comes tearing onward, and lays many a field waste that many a strong man hand has reclaimed- even so were the dense phalanxes of the Trojans driven in rout by the son of Tydeus, and many though they were, they dared not abide his onslaught.


更多网络解释与embank相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


embalm 塗以香料(防腐劑) | embank 築堤防護 | embar 上門閂,囚禁


embalmment 防腐处理 | embank 筑堤 | embankment 堤防


embank 筑堤围堵 | embankment 筑堤 | embankment 堤防


embalmment 尸体防腐 | embalmmentmummify 做成木乃伊 | embank 以堤围绕

堤岸,路基(embank 筑堤护卫):embankment n

segment n 部分,一段(seg 部分) | embankment n 堤岸,路基(embank 筑堤护卫) | ointment n 油膏,软膏(oint=oil油)

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