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electron energy level的中文,翻译,解释,例句

electron energy level

electron energy level的基本解释




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Electrons at the same electron energy level are also said to be in the same electron shell.


The excited electron jumps to a higher energy level and falls back to a lower level, emitting a photon with a given energy.


The energy state of an electron within an atom, represented by the electron energy level or shell, can theoretically represent one, two, four, eight, or even 16 bits of data.


On the basis of the improved averaged atomic model,the distribution of the free electrons is dealt with by the partial-wave method to improve the precision of determination of the energy level,electron populations and atomic inner energy.


The energy level of electron traps and hole traps in the surface layer of PTFE was about 0.85~1. 0 eV and 0.80~0.90 eV, respectively.


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electron energy level:电子能级

能级组成:除了电子能级(Electron energy level)外,分子吸收能量将伴随着分子的振动和转动,即同时将发生振动(Vibration)能级和转动当强度为I0的入射光束(Incident beam) 通过装有均匀待测物的介质时,该光束将被部分吸收,

electron energy level:电子能级,电子能量级

electron energy analyzer 电子能量分析器 | electron energy level 电子能级,电子能量级 | electron energy loss spectroscopy 电子能量损失能谱学