英语人>词典>英汉 : electrode potential的中文,翻译,解释,例句
electrode potential的中文,翻译,解释,例句

electrode potential

electrode potential的基本解释

[化] 电极电势

更多网络例句与electrode potential相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The EIS and potential of electrode buried in soil for deferent time are measured and analyzed.


The effect of the temperature on the voltammetric curves and on the electrode potential at a carbon fiber microelectrode were studied.


The current time curve of the autocatalytic electrode processes under constant potential on planar electrode is studied.


The current time curve of the autocatalytic electrode processes under constant potential on planar electrode is studied.


The reactivation process of passivated iron was mainly determined by the electrode potential, and had little to do with the external magnetic field.


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更多网络解释与electrode potential相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

electrode potential:电极电势

通常人们就把产生在金属和盐溶液之间的双电层间的电势差称为金属的电极电势(electrode potential),并以此描述电极得失电子能力的相对强弱. 电极电势以符号E Mn / M表示, 单位为V(伏). 如锌的电极电势以EZn2 / Zn 表示, 铜的电极电势以ECu2 /Cu 表示.

electrode potential:电极电位

电极电位(electrode potential)是电极与电解液之间的电动势差, 单独电极电位不能测定需参考一些标准电极(standard electrode). 例如氢标准电极(hydrogen standard electrode)以其为基准电位为0E0=电极标准状态电位(volt)标准电极电位(standard electrode potential)是指金属电极之活度为 1(纯金属)及在

electrode potential:金属电极电位

相界电位:phase boundary potential | 金属电极电位:electrode potential | 化学电池:chemical cell

electrode potential:电极势

electrode 电极 | electrode potential 电极势 | electrode process 电极过程

standard electrode potential:标准电极电位

例如氢标准电极(hydrogen standard electrode)以其为基准电位为0E0=电极标准状态电位(volt)标准电极电位(standard electrode potential)是指金属电极之活度为 1(纯金属)及在金属离子活度为1时之电极电位.

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