英语人>词典>英汉 : elastic hysteresis的中文,翻译,解释,例句
elastic hysteresis的中文,翻译,解释,例句

elastic hysteresis

elastic hysteresis的基本解释

[机] 弹性迟滞, 弹性履历现象

更多网络例句与elastic hysteresis相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heat conduction, viscous friction, elastic hysteresis, and scattering are four different mechanisms which lead to


This drive mechanism provides power with a linear synchronous motor avoiding friction, elastic distortion, hysteresis and non-linear error, and can realize non-contact support and guidance in the horizontal and vertical directions.


G. varied rate 0f applied magnetic filed. FORC diagrams can also be used in ferroelectric, thermal and elastic hysteresis systems.


A new precision positioning stage is designed with the adoption of both magnetic suspension and linear drive technology which employs a linear synchronous motor as to avoid friction, elastic distortion, hysteresis and non-linear errors.


Generally, its operating condition is under the low-speed and thin oil lubrication, so the viscous friction was usually neglected and the friction torque caused by main influencing factors of elastic hysteresis in rolling, spin of rolling element and sliding friction on contact zone were considered.


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更多网络解释与elastic hysteresis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elastic hysteresis:弹性滞后

elastic hardness 弹性硬度 | elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后 | elastic hysteresis loop 弹性滞后闭合回线

elastic hysteresis:弹性迟滞

elastic coupling 弹性联轴节 | elastic hysteresis 弹性迟滞 | elastohydrodynamic lubrication 弹性流体动力润滑

elastic hysteresis:弹性后效

elastic fatigue 弹性疲劳 | elastic hysteresis 弹性后效 | elastic limit 弹性极限

elastic hysteresis:弹性滞后、滞弹性

elastic flattening(轧辊的)弹性压扁 | elastic hysteresis弹性滞后、滞弹性 | elastic modulus弹性系数、弹性模量

elastic hysteresis loop:弹性滞后曲线

elastic hysteresis 弹性滞后 | elastic hysteresis loop 弹性滞后曲线 | elastic impact 弹性碰撞

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