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economic determinism的中文,翻译,解释,例句

economic determinism

economic determinism的基本解释

[经] 经济决定论

更多网络例句与economic determinism相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to Kuznets theory on per capita income determinism, the economic growth determines the transition of industrial structure.


Because it puts the realization of the social purpose into the entire historical process of human material life, Marxs theory about development is neither economic determinism of positivism without critique, nor an abstract presupposition of value in the direction of Romanism.


It is the concentrative reflection of materialistic view of history of Marxism and the essence of population theory of economic determinism.


In other words while Marxism may have suffered a setback in 1989, economic determinism did not.


The evolution theory of institutional change launched an opposition movements of rationalism and determinism for economic circles.


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economic determinism:经济决定论

)的经济决定论(economic determinism). 冯纳强调劳务自主的理念对北方反奴隶制人士的重要性,指出主张废奴者的道德观并不一定就是北方的主流观感. 许多北方人士(包含林肯在内)反对奴隶制度的部分原因在于惧怕黑奴可能散布到北方以致威胁自主的白人劳工.

economic determinism:经济决定论,经济命定论

经济危机 Economic crisis | 经济决定论,经济命定论 Economic determinism | 经济史观 Economic interpretation of histor