英语人>词典>英汉 : economic crisis的中文,翻译,解释,例句
economic crisis的中文,翻译,解释,例句

economic crisis

economic crisis的基本解释


更多网络例句与economic crisis相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The economist, Varga, who had been disgraced because of his prediction that the economic crisis that would destroy the United States might be delayed, returned to Moscow, and early in 1950, was permitted to publish in Pravda his doubts about the imminence of an economic crisis in the United States.


Fall says that beyond these microlevel considerations the economic crisis provides an opportunity to revisit development strategies that have focused largely on market deregulation - policies, she says, that have contributed to the global financial and economic crisis.


Xu Anbin: The conference with the more immediate impact of economic crisis is our IDC operation business, when individual stationmaster goes looking for IDC operation business to buy a server, when been compare a little according to the economy previously, a server gives IDC operation business head of a station, buy a server, oneself throw a server, hire our stationmaster by the month, our stationmaster presses this moment it is good that the month pays fee, nodical cash pledge, but economic crisis came, everybody does not have money, when this time head of a station looks for them to hire a server again, pay them by the month already not quite actual, the hire that we discover a server now is according to the quarter, year hiring, not according to will pay by the month, the cost of this moment operation can rise, the income of individual stationmaster actually not tall also, I am in 98 years when myself does individual website, we are the free spaces that put a tradition at that time, to 2000 when I just have a server, the doorsill that I see operation cost now can be higher threshold to them.


更多网络解释与economic crisis相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

economic crisis:经济危机

作者:警钟 什么是"经济危机"(Economic Crisis) 指一个或多个国民经济或整个世界经济在一段比较长的时间内不断收缩(负的经济增长率). 是资本主义经济发展过程中周期爆发的生产过剩危机. "经济危机"的爆发是由资本主义基本矛盾,

economic crisis:经济危机,经济危机

假如你是资本主义国家元首, 假如你是资本主义国家元首,如何解决经济危机 经济危机(Economic Crisis)指的是一个或多个国民经济或整个世界经济在一段比较长 的时间内负的经济增长率.也就是生产能力过剩的危机.经济危机产生的原因无非就是生产 的产品过多,

economic crisis:冪撳峉儂

﹛﹛economic depression 冪撳祊沭 | ﹛﹛economic crisis 冪撳峉儂 | ﹛﹛economic recovery 冪撳葩劼