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[变形] ecclesia的复数形式


教会, 教堂

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Baroque is a style of art and architecture developed in Europe from about 1550 to 1700 expecially in Italy which influenced deeply by the ecclesiae.


They are the mind of the Church in action, the sensus ecclesiae taking form and shape in the mould of dogmatic definition and authoritative decrees.


The "justification by faith alone" theory was by Luther styled the article of the standing and falling church (articulus stantis et cadentis ecclesiae), and by his followers was regarded as the material principle of Protestantism, just as the sufficiency of the Bible without tradition was considered its formal principle.

"因信称义单"的理论是由路德风格的文章代表大会常务委员会的下降堂( articulus stantis等cadentis ecclesiae ),并通过他的追随者被视为材料的原则,基督教,正如有足够的圣经,没有传统被认为是其正式的原则。

When these were required by the Bull "Licet ecclesiae catholicae" to join the new order, they raised objections and obtained a prohibition to exchange the Benedictine Rule for the milder one of the Augustinians.

当这些人所需要的公牛" Licet教会catholicae "加入新秩序,他们提出了异议,并获得了禁止汇率本笃规则的温和之一的奥古斯丁。

Instances of such normal, natural, perfect co-operation occur in the five Lateran councils, which were presided over by the pope in person; the personal presence of the highest authority in the Church, his direction of the deliberations, and approbation of the decrees, stamp the conciliary proceedings throughout as the function of the Magisterium Ecclesiae in its most authoritative form.

实例如正常,自然,完美的合作,运作都发生在5拉特兰议会,分别主持了由教宗在人;亲自出席的最高权力机构在教会里,他的方向,审议,并赞许的法令,盖上conciliary整个程序作为功能的magisterium ecclesiae在其最权威的形式。

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eccentricity 古怪 | ecclesiae 教会 | ecclesial 教会的


Religious Organization 宗教组织 364 | Ecclesiae 国教 364 | Denominations 教派364

Doctor Ecclesiae:(拉) 教会圣师

Doctor Doctorum (拉) 博士的博士 ↗Valencia, Gregorio de | Doctor Ecclesiae (拉) 教会圣师 ↗Doctor of the Church | Doctor Ecstaticus (拉) 超拔博士 ↗Ruysbroeck, Jan van、↗Dionysius the Carthusian

patres ecclesiae:教父

path dependence 路径依赖138 | patres ecclesiae 教父 627 | patriarchal morality 宗法道德17

De unitate ecclesiae conservanda:<保卫教会统一>

Dessau 德绍,君王陵墓 | De unitate ecclesiae conservanda > | Devotio moderna 现代虔信派

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