英语人>词典>英汉 : earth wire的中文,翻译,解释,例句
earth wire的中文,翻译,解释,例句

earth wire

earth wire的基本解释

地线, 接地线

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Considering the factors such as randomness of natural lightning locus and the coexistence of primary and secondary leaders, it is necessary to lead in the concept of dynamic lightning protection shielding angle. It is suggested that the angular bisector of practical protective angle formed by ground wire or earth pin in UHVAC transmission line and conductor should be aligned with the direction of lightning leader as well as the ratio of vertical span to horizontal span and the impact of wind speed should be considered.


With some methods, current is introduced into the earth by grounded lengths of wire.


The technical specifications of the extension cord must match the technical specifications of this television; and if this television should be earthed,the extension cord must also have an earth wire.


Electric leakage protection plug to keep away injuries and damage resulted from electric leakage and charged earth wire – be much safer.


I will visit South Korea and travel to the Demilitarized Zone, one of the most dangerous places on Earth, where barbed wire marks a line dividing freedom and oppression.


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更多网络解释与earth wire相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

earth wire:地线

回输;反馈 feedback | 地线 earth wire | 多刃切削刀具 multi-point cutter

earth wire:接地线

埋深 buried depth | 接地线 earth wire | 说明 description

earth wire:搭铁线

Jaguar 美洲 | Earth wire搭铁线 | Eccentric偏心轮

earth wire:架空地线

earth to be borrowed ==> 缺土 | earth wire ==> 架空地线 | earth wire clamp ==> 地线夹

overhead earth wire:架空地线

1038. overhead crossing ==> 架空交叉 | 1039. overhead earth wire ==> 架空地线 | 1040. overhead ground wire ==> 架空地线,避雷线

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