英语人>词典>英汉 : dumping car的中文,翻译,解释,例句
dumping car的中文,翻译,解释,例句

dumping car

dumping car的基本解释


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As you may see, the car dumping system consists of three parts, the car position fixer, the car pusher and the car dumper.


You thanked her by dumping out of the car and never looking back.


Here is our car dumping control room at Huanghua Port.


A prohibition dumping car is a car which is prohibited from being operated in the dumper.


At present, the company has already formed the products such as van, dumping car, store house bar car, semi-trailer, etc.


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更多网络解释与dumping car相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dumping car:自卸车

转动车钩煤车 rotary dumping coal car | 自卸车 dumping car | 砂石车 gravel car

bottom dumping car:底卸式车

bottom dump skip 底卸式箕斗 | bottom dumping car 底卸式车 | bottom gangway 底导坑

bottom dumping car:底卸式料斗车

bottom discharge car 底卸式料斗车 | bottom dumping car 底卸式料斗车 | bottom electrode 底电极

self dumping car:自动翻卸车

self dumping cage 自翻式升降车 | self dumping car 自动翻卸车 | self feeder 自动给矿机

self dumping car:自[动倾]卸车

ropeway car 架空索道运输小车 | self-dumping car 自[动倾]卸车 | shuttle car 梭式矿车

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