- 相关歌词
- The Duellists
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- duellist
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The counter attack tactics of fencing is one of ripostes to control combatants offensive action and it s important method to gain points directly of many duellists .
The master of the field is counted amongst the greatest jousters and duellists in all the land.
The duellists had shot each other in the arm , so honors were even and they parted on good terms .
- 更多网络解释 与duellists相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The Duellists:决斗的人
几位制作人非常欣赏雷德利.斯科特的导演处女作<<决斗的人>>(The Duellists),希望由他来执导<<异形>>,斯科特不但欣然应允,而且立即在伦敦绘制出详细的情节串连图板.
The Duellists:决斗者
从他的处女作电影<<决斗者>>(The Duellists),到奥斯卡大赢家<<角斗士>>(Gladiator),无一例外. 年近70的他依然壮心不已,这部汇聚了丹泽尔?华盛顿 (Denzel Washington)和罗素?克劳(Russell Crowe)的新片<<美国黑帮>>(American Gangster)主角还是世间少有的传奇人物,
Duellists, The:以往作品:决斗者
(以往作品:决斗者 Duellists, The | 异形 Alien | 银翼杀手 Blade Runner