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due process的中文,翻译,解释,例句

due process

due process的基本解释


due process所属的单词分类
Legal / 法律 [179]

summary judgment · sidebar · plea bargain · hung jury · family law · constitutional law · bar exam · aid and abet · voir dire · probable cause

更多网络例句与due process相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't think Due Process would endanger the country.


Most of components are exchangeable due to unique manufacturing process.


The price is due to the tedious process of harvesting it.


Due to historical process, China faced the Western modernism and postmodernism almost at the same time.


Due to this pairing process and the fact that it is short range - Bluetooth technology is considered to be secure.


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更多网络解释与due process相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

due process:正当程序

美国最高法院常常这么做,对于宪法中若干含义广泛的条款如"州际通商"(interstate commerce),"正当程序"(due process),"平等保护"(equal protection),"言论自由"(freedom of speech)等加以灵活的解释,使宪法足以应付社会的变迁.

due process:程序正义

对於法律人常引以自豪的诉讼程序,许多家长除不了解外,更是无力再花钱请律师撰写请求状,更何况个案处遇(treatment)的时机常是稍纵即逝,若不立即处理日后势必将付出更大的社会成本. 然顾及司法程序正义(Due Process)原则,最好由撰状人草拟,再

due process:适当的程序

在美国,可靠和适当的程序(due process)是一个形式概念,尽管如此,这个概念保障了对人权的保护;很多其他的国家则宁愿采纳有关自然权利的旧思想,并把它移植到它们的宪法的序言里.

due process:正当司法程序

safeguard n.保护措施,保障条款 | due process 正当司法程序 | admissibility n.可采纳;可取

Due Process Clause:正当程序条款

该修正案的内容因此也被分别称为"正当程序条款"(due process clause)和"征用条款"(taking clause). 1868年通过生效的宪法第十四条修正案则将正当程序条款的适用范围扩及州政府. 这样,"合同条款"、"正当程序条款"和"征用条款"就构成了美国联邦宪法体制下保护私人产权的主

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