英语人>词典>英汉 : dry in the sun的中文,翻译,解释,例句
dry in the sun的中文,翻译,解释,例句

dry in the sun

dry in the sun的基本解释

晒干, 晾, 晒

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"Tagua" palm trees grow mainly in tropical areas in South America. They grow very slowly and take about 15 years to bear their fibrous fruit and another 3 8 years for the fruit to become ripe. The locals collect these fruit to dry in the sun. After a few months, when the fruit are completely dry, they become a white, tough, ivory-like mass. This material can be used in making buttons, ornaments, chessman, musical instruments…etc. Therefore the fruit is also known as "Ivory Nut".


I put the clothes out to dry in the sun.


A delay in the channels allowed us to see in the full light of day the narrow bar of luminous sand that separates the sea from the swamp, where there were fishing villages with their nets laid out to dry in the sun and thin, grim children playing soccer with balls made of rags.


更多网络解释与dry in the sun相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rolling hay into riddles, unfurling tarps:把干草裹进筛子,铺上苫布

spreading straw to dry yellow in the sun, 把稻杆摊开,在阳光下晒黄, | rolling hay into riddles, unfurling tarps 把干草裹进筛子,铺上苫布 | to peg down all the work we'd done. 以此收拢我们全部的劳作.

like a raisin in the sun:像阳光下的葡萄干

Does it dry up 会枯竭 | like a raisin in the sun ? 像阳光下的葡萄干? | Or fester like a sore- 像溃烂的创伤-