英语人>词典>英汉 : drum feed的中文,翻译,解释,例句
drum feed的中文,翻译,解释,例句

drum feed

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At the same time it should be noted that the speed limit is essential to have a significantly, you should consider replacing drum feed.


These paper ash stuck in the wheel, sensor, feed channel, drum devices, this results in all kinds of questions.


Of cotton, corn species feed drum machine installed at the same time making holes 4-8 months so that you first complete the loading of the machine.


Motor driven rotating drum, the feed speed, feed tube material by the introduction of drum.


Additional reading delay—once dosing of the dribble feed drum has been completed and before the reading are taken, that unit has to wait for all the product in the air to fall into the drum, once the weight is stable the machine waits for this time before reading the finished weight.


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drum feed beater:滚筒喂入轮

drop feed oiler 滴油器; 滴油式加油器 | drum feed beater 滚筒喂入轮 | drum feeder 鼓式加料机

feed drum:筒式送料机

feed drive gearing 进给传动装置 | feed drum 筒式送料机 | feed efficiency 饲料效率; 饲料转化效率

feed drum:滚筒式进料机

feed drive gearing || 进给传动装置 | feed drum || 滚筒式进料机 | feed eccentric || 进给偏心轮

Feed Surge Drum:原料油缓冲罐

Feed Coalescer 原料油脱水罐 | Feed Surge Drum 原料油缓冲罐 | Bachwash Surge Drum 反冲洗污油罐

fresh feed surge drum:新鲜原料收集器

fresh feed 新鲜原料 | fresh feed surge drum 新鲜原料收集器 | fresh-feed conversion 新鲜原料转化率

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